Social Science Information in India: Efforts Towards Bibliographical Control. By S.D. Vyas.


  • M. P. Satija Guru Nanak Deve University
  • R. S. Sandhu Guru Nanak Deve University

Author Biographies

M. P. Satija, Guru Nanak Deve University

M.P. Satija has been a Lecturer since 1984 in the Department of Library and Information Science, Guru Nanak Deve University, Amritsar, India. For 12 years before going into teaching, he was a librarian in various professional capacities. He is a prolific author, with 14 books; plus 50 articles and 60 book reviews in European, Indian, and American journals. Dr. Satija has presented papers at 15 international conferences. His fields of interest include cataloging and classification, bibliography, and management.

R. S. Sandhu, Guru Nanak Deve University

R.S. Sandhu teaches library and information science at Guru Nanak Deve University, Amritsar, India.




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