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Author/Title Index to Third World Libraries and World Libraries Volumes 1–15 (1990–2005).

Initial articles are ignored in filing. For full titles of articles and books reviewed, see the author entry. Book reviews are included and the entries are italicized. Third World Libraries is abbreviated as TWL. World Libraries is abbreviated as WL. Please note: Not all entries have the URLs included for the online edition. The URLs will be added as the articles are digitized and become available online. All articles will be available online in the Spring of 2009.

floral device A

“Academic Libraries in Two Hemispheres: Different Cultures and a Shared Vision.” Mary M. Wagner and Kathleen D. Rickert. WL 12–2: 49–55, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/wagnerricket_v12n2.shtml.

“Access to Information in the English–Speaking Caribbean.” Shamin Renwick. TWL 6–2: 20–28.

“Access to Third World Journals and Conference Proceedings: Report on a Workshop at the 59th IFLA General Conference, Barcelona, 1993.” Michael Wise. TWL 5–1: 44–48.

Achieving the Optimum Curriculum. Diana Rosenberg. Reviewed by Ashabai Chinyemba. TWL 5–2: 84–86.

Acosta Matos, Eliades. “Cuban Libraries: The Report Before the CNN.” Translated by Jane Carpenter. WL 13–1&2: 79–84, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/matos_v13n1-2.shtml.

“The Acquisition, Management and Bibliographic Control of Government Publications in Nigerian University Libraries.” C.O. Ajidahun. WL 14–2: 46–54, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/ajidahun_v14n2.shtml.

Adegbule–Adesida, E.K. “Information Seeking Habits of Nigerian Agricultural Scientists.” TWL 4–2: 47–48, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/adegbule_v04n2.shtml.

Adimorah, E.N.O. “Rural Community Information System in Nigeria.” WL 7–2: 40–56.

“Adult Education in Sierra Leone: What Role for Libraries?” John Abdul Kargbo. WL 14–1: 81–88, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/kargbo_v14n1.shtml.

“Adult Literacy in the Third World: What Role for the Public Library?” John Abdul Kargbo. WL 11–1&2: 31–37.

Afolabi, M. “Structure of Influence in Library and Information Science Research in Nigeria.” WL 7–2: 93–112.

Africa. Edward Bever. Reviewed by Michael Seng. WL 8–1: 71–72.

The African Social Situation: Crucial Issues Facing Contemporary Africa. Reviewed by Hans Panofsky. TWL 3–2: 66–67, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/panof_v3n2.shtml.

African Studies Companion. Hans M. Zell, editor. Reviewed by Phyllis Bischof. TWL 1–2: 59–60.

The African Studies Companion. Hanz M. Zell and Cécile Lomer. Reviewed by Diana Rosenberg. WL 8–1: 73–75.

Africana Resources and Collections: Three Decades of Development and Achievement. Julian W. Witherell, editor. Reviewed by Margaret Anderson. TWL 1–1: 47–48 and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/anderson_v01n1.shtml.

Agada, John. “Nigerian Librarianship: A First Centennial Report.” WL 7–2: 4–8, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/agada_v07n2.shtml.

--------. “Towards Behavioral Approaches to Library Practice: A Model for Integrating Social Skills Training in Nigerian Library School Curricula.” WL 7–2: 78–92, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/agada2_v07n2.shtml.

Agaja, James Abayomi. “The Nigerian Law of Defamation and Its Impact on Libraries.” TWL 2–2: 20–27, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/agaja_v02n2.shtml.

Agigilaje, M.A.O. “Universal Availability of Publications and Copyright Laws.” TWL 3–2: 63–64.

Agricultural Information in Africa. L.O. Aina, A.M. Kanika, and J.B. Ojimbo, editors. Reviewed by George Gundu Shibanda. TWL 6–2: 93–94.

“Agricultural Information Networking in Africa: Status and Prospects.” George Gundu Shibanda. TWL 6–1: 24–28.

Agumanu, Joan. “The Choice of Librarianship as a Career in Nigeria.” TWL 1–2: 49–50, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/agumanu_v01n2.shtml.

Aguolu, C.C. “Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, 1904–1966, First President of Nigeria.” C.C. Aguolu and I.E. Aguolu. WL 7–2: 9–18, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/aguolu_v07n2.shtml.

Aguolu, I.E. “Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, 1904–1966, First President of Nigeria.” C.C. Aguolu and I.E. Aguolu. WL 7–2: 9–18, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/aguolu_v07n2.shtml.

Aina, Joseph O. “Libraries and Librarianship as Reflected in the Nigerian Daily Newspapers.” TWL 5–1: 24–29.

Aina, L.O. “Information for Successful Agriculture.” TWL 2–1: 49–53, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/aina_v02n1.shtml.

--------, editor. Agricultural Information in Africa. Reviewed by George Gundu Shibanda. TWL 6–2: 93–94.

--------. Who’s Who in Library & Information Science Training Institutions in Africa. Reviewed by Benki S.H. Womboh. TWL 3–2: 76.

Ajidahun, C.O. “The Acquisition, Management and Bibliographic Control of Government Publications in Nigerian University Libraries.” WL 14–2: 46–54, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/ajidahun_v14n2.shtml.

Akinnigbagbe, Bola Mebude. “Theft and Mutilation; the Bane of Library Resources Development: Ramat Library Security Experience.” WL 11–1&2: 17–29.

ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services. Second edition. Robert Wedgeworth, editor. Reviewed by P.B. Mangla. TWL 1–1: 49–51, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/mangla_v01n1.shtml.

Alao, I.A. “Job Satisfaction Among University Library Cataloguers in Nigeria.” WL 7–2: 68–77, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/alao_v07n2.shtml.

Alemna, Anaba A. “National Library and Information Policies for Africa.” TWL 6–1: 31–36.

--------, reviewer. Historical Dictionary of Ghana. Second edition. David Owusu–Ansah and Daniel Miles McFarland. TWL 6–1: 56–57.

Altbach, Philip G., editor. Publishing and Development in the Third World. Reviewed by Norman Horrocks. TWL 2–2: 67–68, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/horrocks_v02n2.shtml.

--------. Textbooks in the Third World: Policy, Content and Context. Reviewed by Carol Priestley. TWL 1–1: 58–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/priestley_v01n1.shtml.

Amaeshi, Basil. “Harold Lancour and West African Librarianship.” TWL 1–1: 6–8, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/amaeshi_v01n1.shtml.

--------, reviewer. The Quiet Struggle: Libraries and Information for Africa. R. Paul Sturges and Richard Neill. TWL 3–2: 74–75.

Aman, Mohammed. “Excellent People–Oriented Strategies for Digital Libraries.” WL 12–2: 57–64, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/aman_v12n2.shtml.

“American Institute in Taiwan: Cultural and Information Section.” Sally A. Taylor. TWL 6–2: 72–74.

“The American Library Association and Cuba’s Libraries: An Overview 2001 to 2004.” John Berry. WL 13–1&2: 13–22, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/berry_v13n1-2.shtml.

Andréu, Emma Presilla. “Rural Libraries in Cuba: Experiences in Camagüey.” Translated by Jane Carpenter. WL 13–1&2: 53–63, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/andreu_v13n1-2.shtml.

“An Assessment of the School Library Literature in Nigeria with Emphasis on the Impact of School Libraries on Educational Performance.” Samaila Shaibu. WL 7–2: 57–62.

Anderson, Margaret, reviewer. Africana Resources and Collections: Three Decades of Development and Achievement. Julian W. Witherell, editor. TWL 1–1: 47–48 and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/anderson_v01n1.shtml.

Anwar, Mumtaz Ali. “The Pioneers: Asa Don Dickinson.” TWL 1–2: 7–15, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/anwar_v01n2.shtml.

--------. “Community Information Services in Malaysia: A Study of Information–Seeking Behavior of Community–Based Organizations in the Klang Valley.” WL 7–1: 55–64, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/anwar_v07n1.shtml.

Applying Research to Practice. Leigh Stewart Estabrook. Reviewed by Fritz Veit. TWL 4–1: 72–74.

“Appointing University Librarians in Nigeria: A Critique of the Process.” Benki S.H. Womboh. TWL 2–2: 58–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/womboh_v02n2.shtml.

“ARABMARC: A Long Way to Go.” Zahiruddin Khurshid. WL 8–2: 60–68.

“Area Studies Microform Projects at the Center for Research Libraries.” James Simon. WL 15–1: 48–72, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/simon2_v15n1.shtml.

Armstrong, Neil. Dictionary of Dictionaries. Reviewed by Tze–chung Li. WL 8–2: 74–75.

floral device B

Baer, Lars Anders. “Protection of Rights of Holders of Traditional Knowledge, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.” WL 12–1: 15–26, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/baer_v12n1.shtml.

Balarabe, Ahmed Abdu. “Nigerian University Libraries and the World Bank Loan.” TWL 5–2: 30–45.

Banned Publications of Pakistan. Mumtazul Islam. Reviewed by Anis Khurshid. TWL 1–2: 68–69.

Barroso, Maria Alice. “Cooperation for Brazilian Libraries.” TWL 3–1: 36–39.

Bartholomew Udemmadu Nwafor, 1939–1991. Michael Wise, compiler. Reviewed by Ajibola Maxwell Oyinloye. WL 9–1: 68–70.

Bartz, Bettina, editor. World Guide to Special Libraries. Second edition. Reviewed by Inez Ringland. TWL 2–2: 69–70, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/ringland_v02n2.shtml.

“A Basic Package of Information Sources for Dealing with Transnational Corporations.” TWL 2–2: 40–42, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/sources_v02n2.shtml.

Bella, Margarita. “Training of Librarians in Cuba.” Translated by Jane Carpenter. WL 13–1&2: 65–67, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/bella_v13n1-2.shtml.

Bendoff, Lisa. “Librarianship in Botswana: A Review of Recent Literature.” TWL 6–1: 10–15.

Benson, Susan Shattuck. “The Pioneers: Marietta Daniels Shepard.” TWL 3–1: 9–13, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no1/benson_v03n1.shtml.

Berry, John. “The American Library Association and Cuba’s Libraries: An Overview 2001 to 2004.” WL 13–1&2: 13–22, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/berry_v13n1-2.shtml.

Bever, Edward. Africa. Reviewed by Michael Seng. WL 8–1: 71–72.

Bhattacharya, Parha. “Library Networking in India for Resource Sharing: Present Status and Prospects.” WL 9–1: 39–47, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol09no1/kar_v09n1.shtml.

“Bibliographies of Indian Library Service: A Literature Review.” M.P. Satija. TWL 4–2: 9–17, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/satija_v04n2.shtml.

Bibliography of the Colon Classification 1930–1993. M.P. Satija and Amrik Singh, editors. Reviewed by R.N. Sharma. TWL 5–2: 86–87.

Bibliography on Africa. R.P. Sood. Reviewed by Hans Panofsky. TWL 1–2: 72.

Biographical Directory of National Librarians. Frances Laverne Carroll and Philip J. Schwartz, editors. Reviewed by William Vernon Jackson. TWL 2–1: 70–71, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/jackson_v2n1.shtml.

“Birth Centenary Literature on Ranganathan.” M.P. Satija. TWL 4–1: 17–25.

Bischof, Phyllis, reviewer. African Studies Companion. Hans M. Zell, editor. TWL 1–2: 59–60.

Bloomfield, B.C., editor. Directory of Rare Book and Special Collections in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Second edition. Reviewed by Theodore Spahn. WL 8–2: 79–81.

Bloss, Marjorie E. “Editorial.” WL 14–2: 1–2, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/bloss_v14n2.shtml.

--------. “Editorial.” WL 15–1: 1–2, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/bloss_v15n1.shtml.

“The Book and the Sand: Restoring and Preserving the Ancient Desert Libraries of Mauritania.” Part 1. Graziano Krätli. WL 14–1: 21–44, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/kratli_v14n1.shtml.

“The Book and the Sand: Restoring and Preserving the Ancient Desert Libraries of Mauritania.” Part 2. Graziano Krätli. WL 14–2: 10–26, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/kratli_v14n2.shtml.

“A Book Buyer in Algeria.” Abazar Sepehri. TWL 2–2: 43–46, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/sepehri_v02n2.shtml.

“A Book Buyer in Tunisia.” Abazar Sepehri. TWL 2–1: 54–60, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/sepehri_v02n1.shtml.

Brace, William, reviewer. Europa World Year Book 1989. TWL 1–1: 52–53, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/brace_v1n1.shtml.

Brady, Mary, reviewer. Dewey Decimal Classification. Lois Mai Chan, John Phillip Comaromi, and Mohinder Partap Satija. TWL 5–1: 58–59.

Bridge Builders: African Experiences with Information and Communication Technology. Reviewed by Michael E.D. Koenig. WL 7–1: 69–70, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/koenig_v07n1.shtml.

Bryant, Sue Lacey. Personal Professional Development and the Solo Librarian. Reviewed by Faye Powell. TWL 6–2: 80–81.

Buckland, Michael. Information and Information Systems. Reviewed by Mary Frances Watson. TWL 2–2: 62–64, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/watson_v02n2.shtml.

Building Libraries for the 21st Century: The Shape of Information. Terry D. Webb, editor. Reviewed by William Vernon Jackson. WL 10–1&2: 55–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/jackson-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

Butorin, Pavel, editor. Dictionary of Development. Reviewed by Guy A. Marco. TWL 1–2: 61.

Buttlar, Lois, reviewer. Kister’s Best Encyclopedias: A Comparative Guide to General and Specialized Encyclopedias. Kenneth F. Kister. TWL 5–1: 54–56.

floral device C

Cannata, Arleen. “Making an International Network.” TWL 1–1: 28–33, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/cannata_v01n1.shtml.

Carpenter, Jane, translator. “Cuban Libraries: The Report Before the CNN.” Eliades Acosta Matos. WL 13–1&2: 79–84, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/matos_v13n1-2.shtml.

--------. “The Pioneers: Olinta Ariosa Morales.” WL 13–1&2: 11–12, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gonzalez_morales_v13n1-2.shtml.

--------. “Reading Initiatives: A Major Effort by the Libraries of the San Antonio de los Baños Community, Havana Province.” Maricele Corvo de Armas. WL 13–1&2: 69–78, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/corvo_v13n1-2.shtml.

--------. “Rural Libraries in Cuba: Experiences in Camagüey.” Emma Presilla Andréu. WL 13–1&2: 53–63, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/andreu_v13n1-2.shtml.

--------. “Special Libraries and Other Information Institutions in Cuba.” Marta Terry González. WL 13-1&2: 41–52, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gonzales_v13n1-2.shtml.

--------. “Training of Librarians in Cuba.” Margarita Bella. WL 13–1&2: 65–67, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/bella_v13n1-2.shtml.

Carroll, Frances Laverne. “A Look at the Geographic IFLA.” WL 8–1: 57–70.

--------, editor. Biographical Directory of National Librarians. Reviewed by William Vernon Jackson. TWL 2–1: 70–71, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/jackson_v2n1.shtml.

--------. International Biographical Directory of National Archivists, Documentalists, and Librarians. Reviewed by Chih Wang. WL 8–2: 82–83.

Cataloging and Classification Standards and Rules. John J. Riemer, editor. Reviewed by Gertrude S. Koh. WL 8–1: 76–78.

Cave, Roderick, reviewer. The Information Challenge. Ch’ng Kim See, editor. TWL 6–2: 84–85.

--------. Libraries, Literacy and Learning: Essays in Honour of the Hon. Joyce Lilieth Robinson. K.E. Ingram, editor. TWL 6–1: 58–59.

“The Center for Research Libraries: An Overview.” Bernard F. Reilly. WL 15–1: 10–19, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/reilly_v15n1.shtml.

“The Challenge of Medical Librarianship in Africa.” Daniel Newton Obaka. TWL 2–1: 14–16, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/obaka_v02n1.shtml.

Chan, Lois Mai. Dewey Decimal Classification. Reviewed by Mary Brady. TWL 5–1: 58–59.

--------, editor. Dewey Decimal Classification. Reviewed by R. Conrad Winke. WL 9–1: 65–66.

Cheng, Lin–Yea. “Recent Reference Books in Taiwan.” TWL 3–2: 20–39.

Cheru, Fantu. The Silent Revolution in Africa: Debt, Development, and Democracy. Reviewed by Japhet Otike. TWL 2–1: 72, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/otike_v2n1.shtml.

Cheunwattana, Aree. “Provision of Library and Information Services to Rural Communities in Thailand.” WL 9–2: 19–36.

--------. “Reaching Out to Young Readers in the Countryside: Thailand’s Experience.” TWL 1–2: 28–31, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/cheunwattana_v01n2.shtml.

--------, reviewer. Historical Dictionary of Thailand. May Kyi Win and Harold E. Smith. TWL 6–2: 87–88.

“Chile’s Binational Center Library.” Elizabeth N. Steinhagen and María Teresa Herrero. TWL 2–2: 36–39, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/steinhagen_v02n2.shtml.

Chinyemba, Ashabai, reviewer. Achieving the Optimum Curriculum. Diana Rosenberg. TWL 5–2: 84–86.

Chisenga, Justin. “Meeting Information Needs of Researchers in Zambia.” TWL 4–1: 65–66.

“The Choice of Librarianship as a Career in Nigeria.” Joan Agumanu. TWL 1–2: 49–50, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/agumanu_v01n2.shtml.

Clarke, Reginald. “Thesis Writing and Preservation at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad: A Librarian’s Input.” WL 10–1&2: 31–42, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/clarke_v10n1-2.shtml.

“Closed–stack Model and the Culture of Librarianship in Nicaraguan Academic Libraries.” Frank J. Lepkowski. TWL 3–1: 62–67, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no1/lepkowski_v03n1.shtml.

Cole, John Y., editor. Libraries and Scholarly Communication in the United States: The Historical Dimensions. Reviewed by Hans Panofsky. TWL 1–1: 56–57, http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/panofsky_v01n1.shtml.

Collection Development in African University Libraries — Challenges and Frustrations. Sam E. Ifidon. Reviewed by Diana Rosenberg. TWL 2–1: 75–76, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/rosenberg_v2n1.shtml.

Comaromi, John Phillip. Dewey Decimal Classification. Reviewed by Mary Brady. TWL 5–1: 58–59.

“Community Information and Referral Services for Rural Areas of Southeast Asia: A Conceptual Framework.” Katni Kimsono Kibat. TWL 1–2: 32–42, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/kibat_v01n2.shtml.

“Community Information Services in Malaysia: A Study of Information–Seeking Behavior of Community–Based Organizations in the Klang Valley.” Mumtaz Ali Anwar. WL 7–1: 55–64, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/anwar_v07n1.shtml.

Comparative African Experiences in Implementing Educational Policies. John Craig. Reviewed by Francis X. Sutton. TWL 2–1: 73–74, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/sutton_v2n1.shtml.

“Computerization of Nigerian University Libraries.” U. Selong Edem. TWL 3–2: 65.

“Conference on Library Education in Latin America.” Mariano A. Maura and Robert V. Williams. TWL 4–1: 49–62.

“Conference Report: International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI), Fifth Biennial Conference, Rosary College, June 7–10, 1995.” Michael E.D. Koenig. TWL 6–1: 41–47.

“Conference Report: Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives (PIALA), 1994 Meeting, Tamuning, Guam, November 2–4, 1994.” Joanne Tarpley. TWL 5–2: 76–77, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no2/tarpley_v05n2.shtml.

“Conference Report: Third SCAINIP Seminar and PAIS Workshop, Alafua, Western Samoa, 8–19 August 1994.” Joanne Tarpley. TWL 5–1: 49–51.

“Conference Report: Resource Sharing, China.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 2–2: 53–54, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/gam_v02n2.shtml.

“Continuing Education, Guam.” Chih Wang. TWL 2–2: 52–53, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/wang_v02n2.shtml.

“Cooperation for Brazilian Libraries.” Maria Alice Barroso. TWL 3–1: 36–39.

“Cooperative Organizations for Schools of Library and Information Science.” Wallace Koehler. WL 14–2: 27–35, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/koehler_v14n2.shtml.

Corvo de Armas, Maricele. “Reading Initiatives: A Major Effort by the Libraries of the San Antonio de los Baños Community, Havana Province.” Translated by Jane Carpenter. WL 13–1&2: 69–78, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/corvo_v13n1-2.shtml.

“The Cost of Getting Books Read in Rural Africa: Estimates from a Survey of Library Use in Burkina Faso.” Michael Kevane and Alain Joseph Sissao. WL 14–2: 36–45, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/kevane_v14n2.shtml.

Craig, John. Comparative African Experiences in Implementing Educational Policies. Reviewed by Francis X. Sutton. TWL 2–1: 73–74, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/sutton_v2n1.shtml.

“Creating a Library Plan for the Sámi in Sweden.” Peter Sarri. Translated by John Koren. WL 12–1: 71–78, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/sarri_v12n1.shtml.

Crowley, Bill, reviewer. Employment Opportunities, USA: A Career News Service, 1998. WL 9–1: 60–61.

--------. Public Enterprise Management: International Case Studies. Ali Farazmand, editor. WL 8–1: 80.

--------. Reinvention of the Public Library for the 21st Century. William L. Whitesides, editor. WL 9–1: 59–60.

Crowley, Terence, reviewer. Guide to Archives and Manuscript Collections in the United States. Donald L. DeWitt, compiler. TWL 4–2: 55–56.

“Cuban Libraries: The Report Before the CNN.” Eliades Acosta Matos. Translated by Jane Carpenter. WL 13–1&2: 79–84, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/matos_v13n1-2.shtml.

“Current Status of the Library and Information Service in the Legislative Yuan, Taiwan.” Karl Min Ku. WL 7–1: 19–35, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/ku_v07n1.shtml.

Curry, Ann. “Library Aid to Developing Countries in Times of Globalization: A Literature Review.” WL 12–2: 15–36, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/curry_v12n2.shtml.

floral device D

Dahlgren, Cecilia. “The Tanzania Library Service: A Review of Recent Literature.” TWL 5–1: 30–41, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no1/dahlgren_v05n1.shtml.

Dain, Phyllis, editor. Libraries and Scholarly Communication in the United States: The Historical Dimensions. Reviewed by Hans Panofsky. TWL 1–1: 56–57, http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/panofsky_v01n1.shtml.

Dalrymple, Prudence. “Fifty Years and Counting…” WL 9–2: 3.

--------. “IFLA Glasgow.” WL 12–2: 5–6, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/dalrymple_v12n2.shtml.

--------. “Message from the Chair of the Editorial Board.” WL 8–1: 3.

--------. “Reflections of a First Timer, IFLA Boston.” WL 11–1&2: 5–6.

--------. “Sr. Lauretta McCusker Memorial Lecture.” WL 8–2: 5–11, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol08no2/dalrymple_v8n2.shtml.

D’Amicantonio, John. “The Development of Libraries in Cambodia.” WL 8–1: 36–41.

Davis, Donald G., Jr. “Library History in India: Histographical Assessments and Current Trends.” TWL 3–2: 40–44, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/davis_v03n2.shtml.

--------. Librarianship and Library Science in India: An Outline of Historical Perspectives. Reviewed by P.B. Mangla. TWL 6–1: 53–56.

Davis, Michael A. “School Libraries in Taiwan: A Review of the Statistics Since 1950.” TWL 2–1: 17–28, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/leung_v02n1.shtml.

Davis, Richard A., reviewer. Indexing and Abstracting in Theory and Practice. F. Wilfrid Lancaster. TWL 2–1: 77–78, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/davis_v2n1.shtml.

Deb, Subrata. “Library Networking in India for Resource Sharing: Present Status and Prospects.” WL 9–1: 39–47, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol09no1/kar_v09n1.shtml.

Dee, Cheryl R. “Medical Libraries in the Caribbean and Central America.” TWL 3–1: 51–58.

Dempsey, Lorcan, editor. The Internet, Networking and the Public Library. Reviewed by Patrick Dewey. WL 8–2: 83–85.

“The Development of Libraries in Cambodia.” John D’Amicantonio. WL 8–1: 36–41.

Dewey Decimal Classification. Lois Mai Chan and Joan S. Mitchell, editors. Reviewed by R. Conrad Winke. WL 9–1: 65–66.

Dewey Decimal Classification. Lois Mai Chan, John Phillip Comaromi, and Mohinder Partap Satija. Reviewed by Mary Brady. TWL 5–1: 58–59.

Dewey, Patrick, reviewer. The Internet, Networking and the Public Library. Sarah Ormes and Lorcan Dempsey, editors. WL 8–2: 83–85.

DeWitt, Donald L., compiler. Guide to Archives and Manuscript Collections in the United States. Reviewed by Terence Crowley. TWL 4–2: 55–56.

Dickinson, Asa Don. The Panjab Library Primer. Reviewed by M.P. Satija. TWL 5–1: 56–57.

Dictionary of Development. Brian W.W. Welsh and Pavel Butorin, editors. Reviewed by Guy A. Marco. TWL 1–2: 61.

Dictionary of Dictionaries. Thomas Kabdebo and Neil Armstrong. Reviewed by Tze–chung Li. WL 8–2: 74–75.

Digital Image Access & Retrieval. P. Bryan Heldorn and Beth Sandore, editors. Reviewed by Gertrude S. Koh. WL 8–2: 75–78.

Directory of Rare Book and Special Collections in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Second edition. B.C. Bloomfield, editor. Reviewed by Theodore Spahn. WL 8–2: 79–81.

Documentation and Bibliographic Control of the Humanities in India. L.S. Ramaiah and M. Kanakachary, editors. Reviewed by R.N. Sharma. TWL 3–2: 68, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/sharma_v3n2.shtml.

Dowling, Michael, reviewer. International Biographical Directory of National Archivists, Documentalists, and Librarians. Second edition. Jeffrey M. Whilhite, Todd J. Kosmerick, and Laurie Scrivner, editors. WL 10–1&2: 60–61, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/dowling-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

Doyle, Robert P. “The Library/Book Fellows Program.” TWL 2–1: 10–13, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/doyle_v02n1.shtml.

“Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, 1904–1966, First President of Nigeria.” C.C. Aguolu and I.E. Aguolu. WL 7–2: 9–18, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/aguolu_v07n2.shtml.

Drewes, Jeanne. “The Urge to Preserve: Cuban Collaborations.” WL 13–1&2: 91–99, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/drewes_v13n1-2.shtml.

floral device E

Easterbrook, David L., reviewer. Publishing and Book Development in Sub–Saharan Africa: An Annotated Bibliography. Hans M. Zell and Cécile Lomer. WL 7–1: 75–76.

Edem, U. Selong. “Computerization of Nigerian University Libraries.” TWL 3–2: 65.

Edensword, Rachel Barreto. “New Waves: USIS and Binational Center Libraries in Central America.” TWL 3–1: 85–92.

“Editorial.” Johan Koren. WL 9–2: 4.

“Editorial.” Johan Koren. WL 10–1&2: 3, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/koren-ed_v10n1-2.shtml.

“Editorial.” Johan Koren. WL 11–1&2: 3–4.

“Editorial.” Johan Koren. WL 12–2: 3, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/editorial_v12n2.shtml.

“Editorial.” Marjorie E. Bloss. WL 14–2: 1–2, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/bloss_v14n2.shtml.

“Editorial.” Marjorie E. Bloss. WL 15–1: 1–2, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/bloss_v15n1.shtml.

“Editorial.” Mary M. Wagner.WL 14–1: 3–4, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/wagner_v14n1.shtml.

“Editorial.” Susan Roman. WL 15–2: 1–2, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no2/roman_v15n2.shtml.

“Editorial: Library Services and Indigenous Identity.” Johan Koren. WL 12–1: 3–10, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/koren-ed_v12n1.shtml.

“Editorially Speaking.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 1–1: 3–4, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/editorial_v01n1.shtml.

“Editorially Speaking.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 1–2: 4–6, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/marco_v1n2.shtml.

“Editorially Speaking.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 2–1: 4–6 and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/editorial_v02n1.shtml.

“Editorially Speaking.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 2–2: 4–6, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/editorial_v02n2.shtml.

“Editorially Speaking.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 3–2: 4–6.

“Editorially Speaking.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 4–1: 4–7.

“Editorially Speaking.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 4–2: 4–6.

“Editorially Speaking.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 5–1: 4–5.

“Editorially Speaking.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 5–2: 4–5.

“Editorially Speaking.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 6–1: 4–6.

“Editorially Speaking.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 6–2: 4–6.

“Editorially Speaking.” William Vernon Jackson. TWL 3–1: 4–8.

Education and Training of Information Professionals: Comparative and International Perspectives. G.E. Gorman, editor. Reviewed by Gretchen Whitney. TWL 1–2: 62–63.

“Effects of the Civil War and the Role of Librarians in Post–War Reconstruction in Sierra Leone.” John Abdul Kargbo. WL 12–2: 37–47, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/kargbo_v12n2.shtml.

“Effects of the Structural Adjustment Programme on Nigerian Public Libraries.” J.C. Ogugua. TWL 4–2: 46–47, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/ogugua_v04n2.shtml.

“Effect on Developing Countries of Hosting an International Conference.” Rebecca Knuth. WL 8–1: 4–13.

Egghe, L. “RECOSCIX–WIO: Providing Scientific Information to Marine Scientists in the Estern Indian Ocean Region.” WL 8–1: 14–26.

El Hadi, Mohamed M. “The Pioneers: Prof. Dr. El Sayed Mahmoud El Sheniti.” WL 7–1: 7–8, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/hadi_v07n1.shtml.

Ellis, Richard D. “Public and University Library Service to China’s Development of Market Economy.” WL 8–2: 12–38.

Emerging Democracies and Freedom of Information: Proceedings of a Conference of the International Group of the Library Association (IGLA) Oxford, September 1994. Barbara Turfan, editor. Reviewed by Norman Horrocks. TWL 6–2: 89–90.

Employment Opportunities, USA: A Career News Service, 1998. Reviewed by Bill Crowley. WL 9–1: 60–61.

Encyclopedia of Cuba: People, History, Culture. Luis Martinez–Fernández, D.H. Figueredo, Louis Pérez, Jr., and Luis González, editors. Reviewed by Dennis Gooler. WL 13–1&2: 101–102, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gooler_v13n1-2.shtml.

Estabrook, Leigh Stewart, editor. Applying Research to Practice. Reviewed by Fritz Veit. TWL 4–1: 72–74.

Europa World Year Book 1989. Reviewed by William Brace. TWL 1–1: 52–53, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/brace_v1n1.shtml.

Everts, R. Alain. “The Pioneers: Herbert Isaac Ernest Dhlomo and the Development of Library Service to the African in South Africa.” TWL 3–2: 7–19, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/everts_v03n2.shtml.

“Excellent People–Oriented Strategies for Digital Libraries.” Mohammed Aman and B. Norliyana. WL 12–2: 57–64, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/aman_v12n2.shtml.

floral device F

Falaiye, Z.M. “New Standards for Library Education in Nigeria.” TWL 2–2: 10–19, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/ononogbo_v02n2.shtml.

Farazmand, Ali, editor. Public Enterprise Management: International Case Studies. Reviewed by Bill Crowley. WL 8–1: 80.

“Fifty Years and Counting…” Prudence Dalrymple. WL 9–2: 3.

Figueredo, D.H., editor. Encyclopedia of Cuba: People, History, Culture. Reviewed by Dennis Gooler. WL 13–1&2: 101–102, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gooler_v13n1-2.shtml.

Fitzgibbons, Shirley A. “Provision of Library and Information Services to Rural Communities in Thailand.” WL 9–2: 19–36.

Florén, Marisol. “An Overview of Scientific Research in the Dominican Republic.” TWL 3–1: 59–61.

Flores, Raquel. “The Importance of Sharing Resources: The Experience of the Committee for Cooperation among University Libraries in Guatemala.” TWL 3–1: 79–84.

Foote, Jody Bales. “Librarian Training and Professional Opportunities in Bangladesh.” TWL 6–2: 10–19, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol06no2/foote_v06n2.shtml.

--------. “Libraries and Librarianship in Bangladesh.” TWL 5–2: 59–66.

Ford, Barbara J., editor. Libraries: Global Reach — Local Touch. Reviewed by Johan Koren. WL 9–2: 52–53.

“Foreign Relations Bureau of the German Library Institute and its Relationship to Latin American Countries.” Elisabeth Simon. TWL 3–1: 93–98.

Foskett, D.J. “The Pioneers: S.R. Ranganathan.” TWL 2–1: 7–9, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/foskett_v02n1.shtml.

“The French National Library.” William Vernon Jackson. WL 9–1: 3–30.

French, Tom, compiler and editor. The SCOLMA Directory of Libraries and Special Collections on Africa in the United Kingdom and Europe. Fifth revised and expanded edition. Reviewed by Guy A. Marco. TWL 4–1: 71.

Fukada, Ikuyo. “ODA to the Third World Libraries.” WL 8–2: 50–59.

“Funding for University Libraries in the Third World.” B.U. Nwafor. TWL 1–1: 22–27, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/nwafor_v01n1.shtml.

floral device G

Gathegi, John N., reviewer. Global Ties through Information: Papers Presented at the State–of–the–Art Institute, October 17–19, 1988, Washington, D.C. TWL 1–2: 64–67.

Gertzel, Cherry. Uganda: An Annotated Bibliography of Source Materials (with Particular Reference to the Period since 1971 and up to 1988). Cherry Getzel. Reviewed by Diana Rosenberg. TWL 2–2: 65–66, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/rosenberg_v02n2.shtml.

Gessesse, Kebede. “The Scientific Literature Service in Tanzania.” TWL 2–2: 60–61, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/gessesse_v02n2.shtml.

Global Links: A Guide to Key People and Institutions Worldwide. Cynthia J. Levy and Jeffrey D. Schulz, editors. Reviewed by Johan Koren. WL 9–2: 51–52.

“The Global Resources Network (with a Description of the Digital South Asia Library by Gerald Hall).” James Simon. WL 15–1: 29–47, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/simon_v15n1.shtml.

Global Ties through Information: Papers Presented at the State–of–the–Art Institute, October 17–19, 1988, Washington, D.C. Reviewed by John N. Gathegi. TWL 1–2: 64–67.

“Going to the Web: Effective Communication Tools for Librarians and Information Managers.” Roshan Lal Raina. WL 11–1&2: 75–82.

González, Luis, editor. Encyclopedia of Cuba: People, History, Culture. Reviewed by Dennis Gooler. WL 13–1&2: 101–102, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gooler_v13n1-2.shtml.

Gooler, Dennis, reviewer. Encyclopedia of Cuba: People, History, Culture. Luis Martínez–Fernández, D.H. Figueredo, Louis A. Pérez, Jr., and Luis González, editors. WL 13–1&2: 101–102, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gooler_v13n1-2.shtml.

--------. The History of Cuba. Clifford L. Staten. WL 13–1&2: 101–102, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gooler_v13n1-2.shtml.

Gorman, G.E. Guide to Current Indexing and Abstracting Services in the Third World. Reviewed by Nick Moore. TWL3–2: 69.

--------, editor. Education and Training of Information Professionals: Comparative and International Perspectives. Reviewed by Gretchen Whitney. TWL 1–2: 62–63.

Government of India Libraries: Their Growth, Development, and Services. Anuradha Gupta. Reviewed by M.P. Satija. TWL 5–2: 87–89.

Granheim, Else. “Norwegian Public Library Policy: A Possible Model for the Third World?” TWL 1–2: 16–27, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/granheim_v01n2.shtml.

Groebne, Valentin. Who Are You? Identification, Description, and Surveillance in Early Modern Europe. Reviewed by Edward J. Valauskas. WL 15–1: 99–100, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/vala_v15n1.shtml.

“GSLIS at IFLA in Buenos Aires, Argentina.” William Vernon Jackson. WL 14–1: 7–10, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/buenos_v14n1.shtml.

“GSLIS at IFLA in Oslo, Norway.” Mary M. Wagner. WL 14–1: 11–13, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/oslo_v14n1.shtml.

Guide to Archives and Manuscript Collections in the United States. Donald L. DeWitt, compiler. Reviewed by Terence Crowley. TWL 4–2: 55–56.

Guide to Current Indexing and Abstracting Services in the Third World. G.E. Gorman and J.J. Mills. Reviewed by Nick Moore. TWL3–2: 69.

Gulati, Anjali. “Professional Competencies among Librarians and Information Professionals in the Knowledge Era.” WL 10–1&2: 11–18, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/gulati_v10n1-2.shtml

Gupta, Anuradha. Government of India Libraries: Their Growth, Development, and Services. Anuradha Gupta. Reviewed by M.P. Satija. TWL 5–2: 87–89.

Gupta, B.M., editor. Libraries, Archives and Information Technology: An Annotated Bibliography, 1970–1990, Part 1. Reviewed by M.P. Satija. TWL 2–1: 79, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/satija_v2n1.shtml.

floral device H

Hall, Gerald. “The Global Resources Network (with a Description of the Digital South Asia Library by Gerald Hall).” James Simon. WL 15–1: 29–47, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/simon_v15n1.shtml.

Halperin, Michael. International Business Information. Reviewed by Herbert S. White. TWL 5–1: 60.

Haricombe, Lorraine J. Out in the Cold: Academic Boycotts and the Isolation of South Africa. Reviewed by Reuben Musiker. TWL 6–2: 82–83.

“Harold Lancour and West African Librarianship.” Basil Amaeshi. TWL 1–1: 6–8, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/amaeshi_v01n1.shtml.

Harrison, K.C. International Librarianship. Reviewed by Fritz Veit. TWL 1–1: 54–55, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/veit_v1n1-54.shtml.

Harvey, John F., reviewer. Historical Dictionary of Iran. John H. Lorentz, editor. TWL 6–2: 86.

--------. Translating an International Education to a National Environment. Julie Tallman and Joseph Ojiambo. TWL 1–2: 73–75.

Hary, Nicoletta Mattioli. “A Model Library in Tehran, Iran: The Hosseinieh Ershad Public Library.” TWL 6–1: 16–23.

Havard–Williams, Peter, reviewer. Library/Information Science Education for the 21st Century. Bendik Rugaas. TWL 4–1: 74–76.

Heldorn, P. Bryan, editor. Digital Image Access & Retrieval. Reviewed by Gertrude S. Koh. WL 8–2: 75–78.

Herrero, María Teresa. “Chile’s Binational Center Library.” TWL 2–2: 36–39, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/steinhagen_v02n2.shtml.

Historical Dictionary of Ghana. Second edition. David Owusu–Ansah and Daniel Miles McFarland. Reviewed by Anaba A. Alemna. TWL 6–1: 56–57.

Historical Dictionary of Iran. John H. Lorentz, editor. Reviewed by John F. Harvey. TWL 6–2: 86.

Historical Dictionary of Saudi Arabia. J.E. Peterson. Reviewed by Penelope Tuson. TWL 4–2: 51–52.

Historical Dictionary of Thailand. May Kyi Win and Harold E. Smith. Reviewed by Aree Cheunwattana and Wutdichai Moolsilpa. TWL 6–2: 87–88.

The History of Cuba. Clifford L. Staten. Reviewed by Dennis Gooler. WL 13–1&2: 101–102, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gooler_v13n1-2.shtml.

A History of Information Storage and Retrieval. Foster Stockwell. Reviewed by Robert V. Williams. WL 11–1&2: 83–84.

“A History of the Fundação Biblioteca Nacional (FBN) and its Role in the Creation of National Library Reading Initiatives in Brazil.” Alma C. Ortega. WL 14–2: 55–67, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/ortega_v14n2.shtml.

Hirvonen, Vuokko. “Elsa Laula and Karla Stenberg, the First Sámi Woman Writers.” WL 12–1: 11–13, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/hirvonen_v12n1.shtml.

Hjørland, Birger. Information Seeking and Subject Representation: An Activity–theoretical Approach to Information Science. Reviewed by R. Conrad Winke. WL 9–1: 64–65.

Höfer, Candida. Libraries. Reviewed by Edward J. Valauskas. WL 14–2: 69–70, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/vala_v14n2.shtml.

Horrocks, Norman, reviewer. Emerging Democracies and Freedom of Information: Proceedings of a Conference of the International Group of the Library Association (IGLA) Oxford, September 1994. Barbara Turfan, editor. TWL 6–2: 89–90.

--------. Publishing and Development in the Third World. Philip G. Altbach, editor. Reviewed by Norman Horrocks. TWL 2–2: 67–68, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/horrocks_v02n2.shtml.

Houck, Susan, compiler. International Biographical Directory of National Archivists, Documentalists, and Librarians. Reviewed by Chih Wang. WL 8–2: 82–83.

Hunter, Eric J., reviewer. Languages of the World: Cataloging Issues and Problems. Martin D. Joachim, editor. TWL 4–2: 49–50.

Huq, A.M. Abdul. World Librarianship: Its International and Comparative Dimension: An Annotated Bibliography, 1976–1992. Reviewed by Anis Khurshid. WL 7–1: 77–78.

floral device I

If You Want to Evaluate Your Library. F.W. Lancaster. Reviewed by Alphonse Trezza. TWL 4–1: 69–70.

Ifidon, Betty I. “Management Problems in Readers’ Services: The Nigerian Experience.” Betty I. Ifidon. WL 10–1&2: 43–52, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/ifidon_v10n1-2.shtml.

--------. “Research Summary: Variable Book Pricing in Nigeria.” TWL 6–1: 39–40.

--------. “University Library Buildings in the Tropics: A Literature Survey.” TWL 1–1: 34–39, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/ifidon_v01n1.shtml.

Ifidon, Sam E. Collection Development in African University Libraries — Challenges and Frustrations. Reviewed by Diana Rosenberg. TWL 2–1: 75–76, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/rosenberg_v2n1.shtml.

--------. “Planning for Collection Development in the Twenty–First Century.” WL 7–2: 27–39, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/ifidon_v07n2.shtml.

--------. “Publishing of Library Journals in Nigeria.” TWL 3–2: 45–49, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/ifidon_v03n2.shtml.

“IFLA Glasgow.” Prudence Dalrymple. WL 12–2: 5–6, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/dalrymple_v12n2.shtml.

Ikoja–Odongo, R. “A Study of the Information Seeking Behavior of Undergraduate Students of Makerere University, Uganda.” WL 14–1: 57–79, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/kakai_v14n1.shtml.

“Impact of an International Professional Organization on School Librarianship in Jamaica.” Rebecca Knuth. TWL 6–2: 36–53.

“The Impact of Legal Deposit and Copyright Laws on Ghanaian Libraries.” Kosi A. Kedem. TWL 1–2: 50–51, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/kedem_v01n2.shtml.

“The Importance of Sharing Resources: The Experience of the Committee for Cooperation among University Libraries in Guatemala.” Raquel Flores. TWL 3–1: 79–84.

“Imposing Libraries: The Establishment of National Public Library Services in Africa, With Particular Reference to Kenya.” Diana Rosenberg. TWL 4–1: 35–44, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no1/rosenberg_v04n1.shtml.

“Improving & Delivering Effective Library Services for Aboriginal Peoples in Saskatchewan: A Canadian Province’s Approach to Answering the Needs of the Aboriginal Community.” Wendy Sinclair–Sparvier. WL 12–1: 32–44, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/sinclair_v12n1.shtml.

Indexing and Abstracting in Theory and Practice. F. Wilfrid Lancaster. Reviewed by Richard A. Davis. TWL 2–1: 77–78, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/davis_v2n1.shtml.

Information and Information Systems. Michael Buckland. Reviewed by Mary Frances Watson. TWL 2–2: 62–64, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/watson_v02n2.shtml.

Information and Libraries in the Developing World. Anthony Olden and Michael Wise, compilers and editors. Reviewed by Su Xin Lu. TWL 5–2: 91–92.

The Information Challenge. Ch’ng Kim See, editor. Reviewed by Roderick Cave. TWL 6–2: 84–85.

“Information for Successful Agriculture.” L.O. Aina. TWL 2–1: 49–53, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/aina_v02n1.shtml.

“Information Infrastructure in Two Kenyan Development Plans.” Gundu Shibanda. TWL 4–1: 66–67.

“Information Network on Rural Development (INRD), Bangladesh.” Leelangi Wanasundra. TWL 5–1: 11–16, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no1/wanasundera_v05n1.shtml.

Information Processing. Reviewed by Péter Jacsó. TWL 4–1: 72.

Information Seeking and Subject Representation: An Activity–theoretical Approach to Information Science. Birger Hjørland. Reviewed by R. Conrad Winke. WL 9–1: 64–65.

“Information Seeking Habits of Nigerian Agricultural Scientists.” E.K. Adegbule–Adesida. TWL 4–2: 47–48, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/adegbule_v04n2.shtml.

Ingram, K.E., editor. Libraries, Literacy and Learning: Essays in Honour of the Hon. Joyce Lilieth Robinson. Reviewed by Roderick Cave. TWL 6–1: 58–59.

“Instructional and Research Resources for Library Education in Nigeria: Problems of Availability and Accessibility.” Michael G. Ochogwu. TWL 2–2: 28–35, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/ochogwu_v02n2.shtml.

“International Activities at GSLIS." Michael E.D. Koenig, compiler. WL 9–1: 49–51.

“International Activities at GSLIS.” Johan Koren. WL 10–1&2: 53–54, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/koren_v10n1-2.shtml.

International Biographical Directory of National Archivists, Documentalists, and Librarians. Frances Laverne Carroll, editor and compiled by Susan Houck. Reviewed by Chih Wang. WL 8–2: 82–83.

International Biographical Directory of National Archivists, Documentalists, and Librarians. Second edition. Jeffrey M. Whilhite, Todd J. Kosmerick, and Laurie Scrivner, editors. Reviewed by Michael Dowling. WL 10–1&2: 60–61, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/dowling-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

International Business Information. Ruth A. Pagell and Michael Halperin. Reviewed by Herbert S. White. TWL 5–1: 60.

“The International Coalition on Newspapers.” Linda Ronan. WL 15–1: 73–79, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/ronan_v15n1.shtml.

“The International Indigenous Librarians’ Forum: A Professional Life–Affirming Event.” Loriene Roy. WL 10– 1&2: 19–30, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/roy_v10n1-2.shtml.

International Librarianship. K.C. Harrison. Reviewed by Fritz Veit. TWL 1–1: 54–55, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/veit_v1n1-54.shtml.

“The International Relations Round Table of the American Library Association.” WL 9–1: 53–58.

The Internet, Networking and the Public Library. Sarah Ormes and Lorcan Dempsey, editors. Reviewed by Patrick Dewey. WL 8–2: 83–85.

Introduction to Health Sciences Librarianship. Frank R. Kellerman. Reviewed by Aletha A. Kowitz. WL 8–2: 86–87.

Islam, Mumtazul, compiler. Banned Publications of Pakistan. Reviewed by Anis Khurshid. TWL 1–2: 68–69.

“Israeli Libraries and Librarianship: A Review of Recent Literature.” Susan Korn. TWL 6–2: 29–35.

“The Issue of Librarianship in Argentina.” Josefa Emilia Sabor. TWL 3–1: 40–46.

floral device J

Jackson, William Vernon. “Editorially Speaking.” TWL 3–1: 4–8.

--------. “The French National Library.” WL 9–1: 3–30.

--------. “GSLIS at IFLA in Buenos Aires, Argentina.” WL 14–1: 7–10, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/buenos_v14n1.shtml.

--------. “Notes on Financing The Center for Research Libraries.” WL 15–1: 20–28, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/jackson_v15n1.shtml.

--------. “The Pioneers: Dorothy G. Collings.” WL 11–1&2: 7–16, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol11no1-2/jackson_v11n1-2.shtml.

--------. “The Pioneers: Robert B. Downs.” TWL 4–1: 8–10, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no1/jackson_v04n1.shtml.

--------. “Report on Latin America.” TWL 5–2: 67–70.

--------, reviewer. Biographical Directory of National Librarians. Frances Laverne Carroll and Philip J. Schwartz, editors. TWL 2–1: 70–71, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/jackson_v2n1.shtml.

--------. Building Libraries for the 21st Century: The Shape of Information. Terry D. Webb, editor. WL 10–1&2: 55–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/jackson-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

--------. Nouvelles Alexandries; Les Grands Chantiers de Bibliothèques dans le Monde. Michel Melot, editor. WL 10–1&2: 55–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/jackson-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

Jambhekar, Neeta. “National Policy on Public Libraries in India.” TWL 5–2: 8–21, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no2/j_v05n2.shtml.

Jascó, Péter, reviewer. Information Processing. TWL 4–1: 72.

Joachim, Martin D., editor. Languages of the World: Cataloging Issues and Problems. Reviewed by Eric J. Hunter. TWL 4–2: 49–50.

“Job Satisfaction Among University Library Cataloguers in Nigeria.” I.A. Alao. WL 7–2: 68–77, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/alao_v07n2.shtml.

Jones, Wilma L. “Profile of an African Library: Fourah Bay College.” TWL 5–2: 22–29.

floral device K

Kabdebo, Thomas. Dictionary of Dictionaries. Reviewed by Tze–chung Li. WL 8–2: 74–75.

Kagan, Al. “Observations on South African University Libraries.” WL 7–1: 45–54, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/kagan_v07n1.shtml.

--------, reviewer. University Libraries in Africa: A Review of Their Current State and Future Potential. Diana Rosenberg, editor. WL 9–1: 61–64, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol09no1/kagan_v09n1.shtml.

Kakai, Miriam. “A Study of the Information Seeking Behavior of Undergraduate Students of Makerere University, Uganda.” WL 14–1: 57–79, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/kakai_v14n1.shtml.

Kalley, Jacqueline A. “Libraries and Apartheid, with Particular Reference to the Transvaal.” TWL 6–2: 54–71.

Kanakachary, M., editor. Documentation and Bibliographic Control of the Humanities in India. Reviewed by R.N. Sharma. TWL 3–2: 68, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/sharma_v3n2.shtml.

Kanika, A.M., editor. Agricultural Information in Africa. Reviewed by George Gundu Shibanda. TWL 6–2: 93–94.

Kar, Debal C. “Library Networking in India for Resource Sharing: Present Status and Prospects.” WL 9–1: 39–47, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol09no1/kar_v09n1.shtml.

Kargbo, John Abdul. “Adult Education in Sierra Leone: What Role for Libraries?” WL 14–1: 81–88, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/kargbo_v14n1.shtml.

--------. “Adult Literacy in the Third World: What Role for the Public Library?” WL 11–1&2: 31–37.

--------. “Effects of the Civil War and the Role of Librarians in Post–War Reconstruction in Sierra Leone.” WL 12–2: 37–47, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/kargbo_v12n2.shtml.

Kawooya, Richard. “Management Prospects and Challenges of Library Associations in Africa: The Case for Uganda Library Association and the Library and Information Association of South Africa.” WL 11–1&2: 39–55.

Kedem, Kosi A. “The Impact of Legal Deposit and Copyright Laws on Ghanaian Libraries.” TWL 1–2: 50–51, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/kedem_v01n2.shtml.

Kellerman, Frank R. Introduction to Health Sciences Librarianship. Reviewed by Aletha A. Kowitz. WL 8–2: 86–87.

Kelley, Lorraine. “Library Aid to Developing Countries in Times of Globalization: A Literature Review.” WL 12–2: 15–36, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/curry_v12n2.shtml.

Kelly, Gail P., editor. Textbooks in the Third World: Policy, Content and Context. Reviewed by Carol Priestley. TWL 1–1: 58–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/priestley_v01n1.shtml.

Kevane, Michael. “The Cost of Getting Books Read in Rural Africa: Estimates from a Survey of Library Use in Burkina Faso.” WL 14–2: 36–45, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/kevane_v14n2.shtml.

Khurshid, Anis. “Library Resources in Pakistan: Progress, Problems, and Achievements.” TWL 1–1: 9–21, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/khurshid_v01n1.shtml.

--------. “The Pioneers: Abdul Moid.” TWL 5–1: 6–10, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no1/khurshid_v05n1.shtml.

--------, reviewer. Banned Publications of Pakistan. Mumtazul Islam. TWL 1–2: 68–69.

--------. World Librarianship: Its International and Comparative Dimension: An Annotated Bibliography, 1976–1992. A.M. Abdul Huq. WL 7–1: 77–78.

Khurshid, Zahiruddin. “ARABMARC: A Long Way to Go.” WL 8–2: 60–68.

Kibat, Katni Kimsono. “Community Information and Referral Services for Rural Areas of Southeast Asia: A Conceptual Framework.” TWL 1–2: 32–42, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/kibat_v01n2.shtml.

Kigongo–Bukenya, I.M.N. “A Study of the Information Seeking Behavior of Undergraduate Students of Makerere University, Uganda.” WL 14–1: 57–79, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/kakai_v14n1.shtml.

Kim, Yong Won. “Library and Information Science Education in Japan.” WL 8–2: 39–49.

Kister, Kenneth F. Kister’s Best Encyclopedias: A Comparative Guide to General and Specialized Encyclopedias. Reviewed by Lois Buttlar. TWL 5–1: 54–56.

Kister’s Best Encyclopedias: A Comparative Guide to General and Specialized Encyclopedias. Kenneth F. Kister. Reviewed by Lois Buttlar. TWL 5–1: 54–56.

“Knowledge Mobilization in Rural Regions: A Proposed Study of the Public Library as Knowledge Catalyst.” Johan Koren. WL 9–2: 37–50.

Knuth, Rebecca. “Effect on Developing Countries of Hosting an International Conference.” WL 8–1: 4–13.

--------. “Impact of an International Professional Organization on School Librarianship in Jamaica.” TWL 6–2: 36–53.

Koehler, Wallace. “Cooperative Organizations for Schools of Library and Information Science.” WL 14–2: 27–35, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/koehler_v14n2.shtml.

Koenig, Michael E.D. “Conference Report: International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI), Fifth Biennial Conference, Rosary College, June 7–10, 1995.” TWL 6–1: 41–47.

--------, compiler. “International Activities at GSLIS." WL 9–1: 49–51.

--------. “The Perception of Technological Gap and Technological Lag.” TWL 2–2: 47–48, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/koenig_v02n2.shtml.

--------, reviewer. Bridge Builders: African Experiences with Information and Communication Technology. WL 7–1: 69–70, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/koenig_v07n1.shtml.

Koh, Gertrude S. “Standards for Library Automation in Korea.” TWL 4–1: 26–34, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no1/koh_v04n1.shtml.

--------, reviewer. Cataloging and Classification Standards and Rules. John J. Riemer, editor. WL 8–1: 76–78.

--------. Digital Image Access & Retrieval. P. Bryan Heldorn and Beth Sandore, editors. WL 8–2: 75–78.

Koren, Johan. “Editorial.” WL 9–2: 4.

--------. “Editorial.” WL 10–1&2: 3, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/koren-ed_v10n1-2.shtml.

--------. “Editorial.” WL 11–1&2: 3–4.

--------. “Editorial.” WL 12–2: 3, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/editorial_v12n2.shtml.

--------. “Editorial: Library Services and Indigenous Identity.” WL 12–1: 3–10, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/koren-ed_v12n1.shtml.

--------. “International Activities at GSLIS.” WL 10–1&2: 53–54, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/koren_v10n1-2.shtml.

--------. “Knowledge Mobilization in Rural Regions: A Proposed Study of the Public Library as Knowledge Catalyst.” WL 9–2: 37–50.

--------. “The Pioneers: Wilhelm and Gerhard Munthe.” WL 12–2: 7–13, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/koren_v12n2.shtml.

--------. “September 11th, 2001 and Libraries: Forging a Professional Persona.” WL 11–1&2: 57–66.

--------, reviewer. Global Links: A Guide to Key People and Institutions Worldwide. Cynthia J. Levy and Jeffrey D. Schulz, editors. WL 9–2: 51–52.

--------. Libraries: Global Reach — Local Touch. Kathleen de la Peña McCook, Barbara J. Ford, and Kate Lippincott, editors. Reviewed by Johan Koren. WL 9–2: 52–53.

--------. Preparing the Information Professional: An Agenda for the Future. Sajjad ur Rehman. WL 10–1&2: 62–63, http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/koren-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

--------, translator. “Creating a Library Plan for the Sámi in Sweden.” Peter Sarri. WL 12–1: 71–78, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/sarri_v12n1.shtml.

Korn, Susan. “Israeli Libraries and Librarianship: A Review of Recent Literature.” TWL 6–2: 29–35.

Kosmerick, Todd J., editor. International Biographical Directory of National Archivists, Documentalists, and Librarians. Second edition. Reviewed by Michael Dowling. WL 10–1&2: 60–61, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/dowling-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

Kowitz, Aletha, reviewer. Introduction to Health Sciences Librarianship. Frank R. Kellerman. WL 8–2: 86–87.

Krätli, Graziano. “The Book and the Sand: Restoring and Preserving the Ancient Desert Libraries of Mauritania.” Part 1. WL 14–1: 21–44, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/kratli_v14n1.shtml.

--------. “The Book and the Sand: Restoring and Preserving the Ancient Desert Libraries of Mauritania.” Part 2. WL 14–2: 10–26, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/kratli_v14n2.shtml.

Ku, Karl Min. “Current Status of the Library and Information Service in the Legislative Yuan, Taiwan.” WL 7–1: 19–35, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/ku_v07n1.shtml.

Kujundžić, Ernes. “National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina: 56 years of Cultural Mission.” WL 11–1&2: 67–74.

Kumar, Girja. S.R. Ranganathan, an Intellectual Biography. Reviewed by P.B. Mangla. TWL 3–2: 70–71.

floral device L

Lancaster, F. Wilfrid. If You Want to Evaluate Your Library. Second edition. Reviewed by Alphonse Trezza. TWL 4–1: 69–70.

--------. Indexing and Abstracting in Theory and Practice. Reviewed by Richard A. Davis. TWL 2–1: 77–78, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/davis_v2n1.shtml.

--------. Out in the Cold: Academic Boycotts and the Isolation of South Africa. Reviewed by Reuben Musiker. TWL 6–2: 82–83.

Languages of the World: Cataloging Issues and Problems. Martin D. Joachim, editor. Reviewed by Eric J. Hunter. TWL 4–2: 49–50.

Lansky, Aaron. Outwitting History: The Amazing Adventures of a Man Who Rescued a Million Yiddish Books. Reviewed by Edward J. Valauskas. WL 14–1: 89–90, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/vala_v14n1.shtml.

Lepkowski, Frank J. “Closed–stack Model and the Culture of Librarianship in Nicaraguan Academic Libraries.” TWL 3–1: 62–67, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no1/lepkowski_v03n1.shtml.

Leung, Martha C. “Recent Reference Books in Taiwan.” TWL 3–2: 20–39.

--------. “School Libraries in Taiwan: A Review of the Statistics Since 1950.” TWL 2–1: 17–28, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/leung_v02n1.shtml.

Levy, Cynthia J. editor. Global Links: A Guide to Key People and Institutions Worldwide. Reviewed by Johan Koren. WL 9–2: 51–52.

Li, Tze–chung. “Message from the Editor.” WL 8–2: 3–4.

--------, reviewer. Dictionary of Dictionaries. Thomas Kabdebo and Neil Armstrong. WL 8–2: 74–75.

--------. The Librarian’s Companion: A Handbook of Thousands of Facts and Figures on Libraries, Librarians, Books, Newspapers, Publishers, Booksellers. Second edition. Vladimir F. Wertsman. WL 7–1: 71–72, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/li_v07n1.shtml.

“Librarian Training and Professional Opportunities in Bangladesh.” Jody Bales Foote and S.M. Mannan. TWL 6–2: 10–19, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol06no2/foote_v06n2.shtml.

The Librarian’s Companion: A Handbook of Thousands of Facts and Figures on Libraries, Librarians, Books, Newspapers, Publishers, Booksellers. Second edition. Vladimir F. Wertsman. Reviewed by Tze–chung Li. WL 7–1: 71–72, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/li_v07n1.shtml.

Librarianship and Library Science in India: An Outline of Historical Perspectives. Mohamed Taher and Donald Gordon Davis, Jr. Reviewed by P.B. Mangla. TWL 6–1: 53–56.

“Librarianship in Botswana: A Review of Recent Literature.” Lisa Bendoff. TWL 6–1: 10–15.

“Librarianship in Latin America: An Exhibition.” TWL 3–1: 14–25.

“Librarianship in Lebanon in the Post–Civil War Period.” Elizabeth Vernon. TWL 4–2: 36–41, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/vernon_v04n2.shtml.

Libraries. Candida Höfer. Reviewed by Edward J. Valauskas. WL 14–2: 69–70, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/vala_v14n2.shtml.

“Libraries and Apartheid, with Particular Reference to the Transvaal.” Jacqueline A. Kalley. TWL 6–2: 54–71.

“Libraries and Librarianship as Reflected in the Nigerian Daily Newspapers.” Joseph O. Aina. TWL 5–1: 24–29.

“Libraries and Librarianship in Bangladesh.” Jody Bales Foote. TWL 5–2: 59–66.

Libraries and Librarianship in Japan. Theodore F. Welch. Reviewed by William S. Wong. WL 8–1: 79.

Libraries and Scholarly Communication in the United States: The Historical Dimensions. Phyllis Dain and John Y. Cole, editors. Reviewed by Hans Panofsky. TWL 1–1: 56–57, http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/panofsky_v01n1.shtml.

“Libraries at ‘the End of Russia.’” Betty Ronayne. WL 10–1&2: 6–10, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/ronayne_v10n1-2.shtml.

Libraries in Africa. Anthony Olden. Reviewed by Diana Rosenberg. TWL 6–2: 91–92.

“Libraries in Ethiopia.” Gail Nordstrom. TWL 5–2: 46–58.

Libraries, Archives and Information Technology: An Annotated Bibliography, 1970–1990, Part 1. B.M. Gupta, editor. Reviewed by M.P. Satija. TWL 2–1: 79, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/satija_v2n1.shtml.

Libraries, Literacy and Learning: Essays in Honour of the Hon. Joyce Lilieth Robinson. K.E. Ingram, editor. Reviewed by Roderick Cave. TWL 6–1: 58–59.

Libraries: Global Reach — Local Touch. Kathleen de la Peña McCook, Barbara J. Ford, and Kate Lippincott, editors. Reviewed by Johan Koren. WL 9–2: 52–53.

“Library Aid to Developing Countries in Times of Globalization: A Literature Review.” Ann Curry, Tanya Thiessen, and Lorraine Kelly. WL 12–2: 15–36, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/curry_v12n2.shtml.

“Library and Information Science Education in Japan.” Yong Won Kim. WL 8–2: 39–49.

“Library Automation and Networking in India: Problems and Prospects.” S.D. Vyas. WL 8–1: 27–35, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol08no1/vyas_v08n1.shtml.

“Library Cooperation in Costa Rica.” Ana Cecilia Torres. TWL 3–1: 76–78, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no1/torres_v03n1.shtml.

“Library History in India: Histographical Assessments and Current Trends.” Donald G. Davis Jr. and Mohamed Taher. TWL 3–2: 40–44, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/davis_v03n2.shtml.

“Library Networking in India for Resource Sharing: Present Status and Prospects.” Debal C. Kar, Parha Bhattacharya, and Subrata Deb. WL 9–1: 39–47, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol09no1/kar_v09n1.shtml.

“Library Provision to Indians in Malaysia.” Khoo Siew Mun. TWL 3–2: 50–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/mun_v03n2.shtml.

Library Research Models. Thomas Mann. Reviewed by Maxine H. Reneker. TWL 4–2: 53–54.

“Library Resources in Pakistan: Progress, Problems, and Achievements.” Anis Khurshid. TWL 1–1: 9–21, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/khurshid_v01n1.shtml.

“A Library Without Borders.” Diane Ryan. WL 15–1: 80–90, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/ryan_v15n1.shtml.

“The Library/Book Fellows Program.” Robert P. Doyle. TWL 2–1: 10–13, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/doyle_v02n1.shtml.

Library/Information Science Education for the 21st Century. Bendik Rugaas. Reviewed by Peter Havard–Williams. TWL 4–1: 74–76.

Lili, Wang. “Shanghai Public Libraries March into the Twenty–first Century.” WL 7–1: 36–44, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/lili_v07n1.shtml.

Lindl, Liv Inger. “Sámi Library Service in Norway.” WL 12–1: 79–84, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/lindi_v12n1.shtml.

Lippincott, Kate, editor. Libraries: Global Reach — Local Touch. Reviewed by Johan Koren. WL 9–2: 52–53.

Lochar, Ruth, editor. World Guide to Special Libraries. Second edition. Reviewed by Inez Ringland. TWL 2–2: 69–70, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/ringland_v02n2.shtml.

Lomer, Cécile. The African Studies Companion. Reviewed by Diana Rosenberg. WL 8–1: 73–75.

--------. Publishing and Book Development in Sub–Saharan Africa: An Annotated Bibliography. Reviewed by David L. Easterbrook. WL 7–1: 75–76.

“A Look at the Geographic IFLA.” Frances Laverne Carroll. WL 8–1: 57–70.

Lorentz, John H., editor. Historical Dictionary of Iran. Reviewed by John F. Harvey. TWL 6–2: 86.

Losee, Jr., Robert M. Research and Evaluation for Information Professionals. Reviewed by Maxine Reneker. TWL 4–1: 77–78.

Lu, Su Xin, reviewer. Information and Libraries in the Developing World. Anthony Olden and Michael Wise, compilers and editors. TWL 5–2: 91–92.

“The Luis Angel Arango Library in Bogotá.” Lina Espitaleta de Villegas. TWL 3–1: 47–50.

Lulin, Gao. “New Developments of the Chinese Patent System.” WL 7–1: 9–18, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/lulin_v07n1.shtml.

floral device M

Mabwa, Rose, reviewer. Survey of the Skills and Training Needs of Information Professionals in Kenya. Diana Rosenberg. TWL 1–2: 70–71.

Mahmood, Khalid. “Pakistani Librarianship during the 1990s: A Literature Review.” WL 8–1: 42–56.

“Making an International Network.” Arleen Cannata. TWL 1–1: 28–33, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/cannata_v01n1.shtml.

“Making World Libraries Digital: A Brief Description.” Edward J. Valauskas. WL 14–1: 15–19, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/digital_v14n1.shtml.

Management of Training and Staff Development. June Whetherly. Reviewed by Fritz Veit. TWL 5–1: 53–54.

“Management Problems in Readers’ Services: The Nigerian Experience.” Betty I. Ifidon. WL 10–1&2: 43–52, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/ifidon_v10n1-2.shtml.

“Management Prospects and Challenges of Library Associations in Africa: The Case for Uganda Library Association and the Library and Information Association of South Africa.” Richard Kawooya. WL 11–1&2: 39–55.

Mangla, P.B., reviewer. ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services. Second edition. Robert Wedgeworth, editor. TWL 1–1: 49–51, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/mangla_v01n1.shtml.

--------. Librarianship and Library Science in India: An Outline of Historical Perspectives. Mohamed Taher and Donald Gordon Davis, Jr. TWL 6–1: 53–56.

--------. S.R. Ranganathan, an Intellectual Biography. Girja Kumar. TWL 3–2: 70–71.

Mann, Thomas. Library Research Models. Reviewed by Maxine H. Reneker. TWL 4–2: 53–54.

Mannan, S.M. “Librarian Training and Professional Opportunities in Bangladesh.” TWL 6–2: 10–19, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol06no2/foote_v06n2.shtml.

Marco, Guy A. “A Basic Package of Information Sources for Dealing with Transnational Corporations.” TWL 2–2: 40–42, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/sources_v02n2.shtml.

--------. “Conference Report: Resource Sharing, China.” TWL 2–2: 53–54, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/gam_v02n2.shtml.

--------. “Editorially Speaking.” TWL 1–1: 3–4, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/editorial_v01n1.shtml.

--------. “Editorially Speaking.” TWL 1–2: 4–6, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/marco_v1n2.shtml.

--------. “Editorially Speaking.” TWL 2–1: 4–6 and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/editorial_v02n1.shtml.

--------. “Editorially Speaking.” TWL 2–2: 4–6, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/editorial_v02n2.shtml.

--------. “Editorially Speaking.” TWL 3–2: 4–6.

--------. “Editorially Speaking.” TWL 4–1: 4–7.

--------. “Editorially Speaking.” TWL 4–2: 4–6.

--------. “Editorially Speaking.” TWL 5–1: 4–5.

--------. “Editorially Speaking.” TWL 5–2: 4–5.

--------. “Editorially Speaking.” TWL 6–1: 4–6.

--------. “Editorially Speaking.” TWL 6–2: 4–6.

--------. “The Pioneers: A Few Good Men and Women.” TWL 6–1: 7–9, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol06no1/marco_v06n1.shtml.

--------. “The Pioneers: Harold Lancour.” TWL 1–1: 5–6, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/marco_v01n1.shtml.

--------. “The Pioneers: Peter Havard–Williams.” TWL 6–2: 7–8, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol06no2/marco_v06n2.shtml.

--------. “Symposium: Libraries and Government Decision Making.” TWL 4–1: 11–16.

--------, reviewer. Dictionary of Development. Brian W.W. Welsh and Pavel Butorin, editors. TWL 1–2: 61.

--------. The SCOLMA Directory of Libraries and Special Collections on Africa in the United Kingdom and Europe. Fifth revised and expanded edition. Tom French, compiler and editor. TWL 4–1: 71.

--------. The World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services. Robert Wedgeworth, editor. TWL 4–2: 59–62.

Martinez–Fernández, Luis, editor. Encyclopedia of Cuba: People, History, Culture. Reviewed by Dennis Gooler. WL 13–1&2: 101–102, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gooler_v13n1-2.shtml.

Maura, Mariano A. “Conference on Library Education in Latin America.” TWL 4–1: 49–62.

Mbwana, S.S. “The Scientific Literature Service in Tanzania.” TWL 2–2: 60–61, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/gessesse_v02n2.shtml.

McCook, Kathleen de la Peña, editor. Libraries: Global Reach — Local Touch. Reviewed by Johan Koren. WL 9–2: 52–53.

McCusker, Sr. Lauretta, reviewer. Survey of the Skills and Training Needs of Information Professionals in Kenya. Diana Rosenberg. TWL 1–2: 70–71.

McFarland, Daniel Miles. Historical Dictionary of Ghana. Second edition. Reviewed by Anaba A. Alemna. TWL 6–1: 56–57.

McIlwaine, John. Writings on African Archives. Reviewed by Anthony Olden. WL 8–1: 81–82.

Measuring the Impact of Information on Development. Michel J. Menou, editor. Reviewed by Diana Rosenberg. TWL 5–2: 89–91.

“Medical Libraries in the Caribbean and Central America.” Cheryl R. Dee. TWL 3–1: 51–58.

“Meeting Information Needs of Researchers in Zambia.” Justin Chisenga. TWL 4–1: 65–66.

Mejía, Myriam. “The Public Library and Popular Culture: A Strategy for Improving Literacy.” TWL 1–2: 43–46, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/mejia_v01n2.shtml.

Melot, Michel, editor. Nouvelles Alexandries; Les Grands Chantiers de Bibliothèques dans le Monde. Reviewed by William Vernon Jackson. WL 10–1&2: 55–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/jackson-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

Memorable Journey: Commemorating 25 years of CONSAL (Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians), 1970–95. Khoo Siew Mun, editor. Reviewed by W.L. Williamson. WL 7–1: 73–74.

Menou, Michel J., editor. Measuring the Impact of Information on Development. Reviewed by Diana Rosenberg. TWL 5–2: 89–91.

“Message from the Chair of the Editorial Board.” Peggy Sullivan. WL 7–1: 5–6, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/message_v07n1.shtml.

“Message from the Chair of the Editorial Board.” Peggy Sullivan. WL 7–2: 3, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/message_v07n2.shtml.

“Message from the Chair of the Editorial Board.” Prudence Dalrymple. WL 8–1: 3.

“Message from the Editor.” Tze–chung Li. WL 8–2: 3–4.

Mills, J.J. Guide to Current Indexing and Abstracting Services in the Third World. Reviewed by Nick Moore. TWL3–2: 69.

Mitchell, Joan S., editor. Dewey Decimal Classification. Reviewed by R. Conrad Winke. WL 9–1: 65–66.

“Mobile Library Services in Kenya.” S.K. Ng’ang’a. TWL 1–2: 51–52, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/nganga_v01n2.shtml.

“A Model Library in Tehran, Iran: The Hosseinieh Ershad Public Library.” Nicolette Mattioli Hary. TWL 6–1: 16–23,.

Monego, Joan Phyllis. “‘READ’ in Nepal.” WL 7–1: 65–68, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/monego_v07n1.shtml.

Moolsilpa, Wutdichai, reviewer. Historical Dictionary of Thailand. May Kyi Win and Harold E. Smith. TWL 6–2: 87–88.

Moore, Nick, reviewer. Guide to Current Indexing and Abstracting Services in the Third World. Reviewed by Nick Moore. TWL3–2: 69.

Mun, Khoo Siew. “Library Provision to Indians in Malaysia.” TWL 3–2: 50–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/mun_v03n2.shtml.

--------, editor. Memorable Journey: Commemorating 25 years of CONSAL (Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians), 1970–95. Reviewed by W.L. Williamson. WL 7–1: 73–74.

Musiker, Reuben, reviewer. Out in the Cold: Academic Boycotts and the Isolation of South Africa. Lorraine J. Haricombe and F.W. Lancaster. TWL 6–2: 82–83.

Musisi, J.S. “The Pioneers: Francis Otieno Pala, 1931–1987.” J.S. Musisi. TWL 5–2: 6–7, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no2/musisi_v05n2.shtml.

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Nankivell, Clare. Presenting Information. Reviewed by Fritz Veit. TWL 6–1: 59–60.

“National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina: 56 years of Cultural Mission.” Ernes Kujundžić. WL 11–1&2: 67–74.

“The National Gandhi Museum and Library.” Faye Powell. TWL 4–1: 45–46, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no1/powell_v04n1.shtml.

“National Library and Information Policies for Africa.” Anaba A. Alemna. TWL 6–1: 31–36.

“National Planning for Library and Information Services.” Carlos Victor Penna. TWL 3–1: 26–32.

“National Policy on Public Libraries in India.” Neeta Jambhekar. TWL 5–2: 8–21, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no2/j_v05n2.shtml.

Navalani, Kishni. “The Third Wave and Third World Libraries.” TWL 4–2: 33–35.

Neill, Richard. The Quiet Struggle: Libraries and Information for Africa. Reviewed by Basil Amaeshi. TWL 3–2: 74–75.

Neugebauer, Rhonda L. “Payment for Services Rendered: US–funded Dissent and the ‘Independent Libraries Project’ in Cuba.” WL 13–1&2: 23–39, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/neugebauer_v13n1-2.shtml.

“A New Alliance: ABINIA.” Virginia Betancourt Valverde. TWL 3–1: 33–35.

“New Developments of the Chinese Patent System.” Gao Lulin. WL 7–1: 9–18, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/lulin_v07n1.shtml.

“New Standards for Library Education in Nigeria.” R.U. Ononogbo and Z.M. Falaiye. TWL 2–2: 10–19, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/ononogbo_v02n2.shtml.

“New Waves: USIS and Binational Center Libraries in Central America.” Rachel Barreto Edensword. TWL 3–1: 85–92.

Ng’ang’a, S.K. “Mobile Library Services in Kenya.” TWL 1–2: 51–52, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/nganga_v01n2.shtml.

“The Nigerian Law of Defamation and Its Impact on Libraries.” James Abayomi Agaja. TWL 2–2: 20–27, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/agaja_v02n2.shtml.

“Nigerian Librarianship: A First Centennial Report.” John Agada. WL 7–2: 4–8, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/agada_v07n2.shtml.

“Nigerian News Magazines and Their Importance: A Review of Recent Literature.” R. Olorunsola. WL 7–2: 63–67, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/olorunsola_v07n2.shtml.

Nigerian Periodicals Index. B.U. Nwafor, editor. Reviewed by A.M. Oyinloye. TWL 2–1: 80–81, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/oyinloye_v2n1.shtml.

“Nigerian University Libraries and the World Bank Loan.” Ahmed Abdu Balarabe. TWL 5–2: 30–45.

Nordstrom, Gail. “Libraries in Ethiopia.” TWL 5–2: 46–58.

Norliyana, B. “Excellent People–Oriented Strategies for Digital Libraries.” WL 12–2: 57–64, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/aman_v12n2.shtml.

“Norwegian Public Library Policy: A Possible Model for the Third World?” Else Granheim. TWL 1–2: 16–27, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/granheim_v01n2.shtml.

“Notes on Financing The Center for Research Libraries.” William Vernon Jackson. WL 15–1: 20–28, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/jackson_v15n1.shtml.

Nouvelles Alexandries; Les Grands Chantiers de Bibliothèques dans le Monde. Michel Melot, editor. Reviewed by William Vernon Jackson. WL 10–1&2: 55–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/jackson-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

Nwafor, B.U. “Funding for University Libraries in the Third World.” TWL 1–1: 22–27, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/nwafor_v01n1.shtml.

--------, editor. Nigerian Periodicals Index. Reviewed by A.M. Oyinloye. TWL 2–1: 80–81, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/oyinloye_v2n1.shtml.

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Obaka, Daniel Newton. “The Challenge of Medical Librarianship in Africa.” TWL 2–1: 14–16, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/obaka_v02n1.shtml.

“Observations on South African University Libraries.” Al Kagan. WL 7–1: 45–54, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/kagan_v07n1.shtml.

Ochogwu, Michael G. “Instructional and Research Resources for Library Education in Nigeria: Problems of Availability and Accessibility.” TWL 2–2: 28–35, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/ochogwu_v02n2.shtml.

“ODA to the Third World Libraries.” Ikuyo Fukada. WL 8–2: 50–59.

Ogugua, J.C. “Effects of the Structural Adjustment Programme on Nigerian Public Libraries.” TWL 4–2: 46–47, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/ogugua_v04n2.shtml.

Ogundipe, O.O. “Problems of Regional Library Education in the Caribbean.” TWL 4–2: 18–30, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/ogundipe_v04n2.shtml.

Ojiambo, Joseph, editor. Translating an International Education to a National Environment. Reviewed by John F. Harvey. TWL 1–2: 73–75.

Ojiambo, J.B., editor. Agricultural Information in Africa. Reviewed by George Gundu Shibanda. TWL 6–2: 93–94.

Ojo–Igbinod, M.E. The Practice of Conservation of Library Materials in Sub–Saharan Africa. Reviewed by Diana Rosenberg. TWL 4–1: 68–69, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no1/rosenberg_v04n1.shtml.

Olden, Anthony. Libraries in Africa. Reviewed by Diana Rosenberg. TWL 6–2: 91–92.

--------, compiler and editor. Information and Libraries in the Developing World. Reviewed by Su Xin Lu. TWL 5–2: 91–92.

--------, reviewer. Writings on African Archives. John McIlwaine. WL 8–1: 81–82.

Olorunsola, R. “Nigerian News Magazines and Their Importance: A Review of Recent Literature.” WL 7–2: 63–67, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/olorunsola_v07n2.shtml.

--------. “Retrenched Journals: Further on the World Bank Loan in Nigeria.” TWL 6–1: 29–30.

“On the Road for Public Libraries in Honduras.” Kent Smith. TWL 3–1: 68–75, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no1/smith_v03n1.shtml.

Ononogbo, R.U. “New Standards for Library Education in Nigeria.” TWL 2–2: 10–19, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/ononogbo_v02n2.shtml.

Opitz, Helmut, editor. World Guide to Special Libraries. Second edition. Reviewed by Inez Ringland. TWL 2–2: 69–70, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/ringland_v02n2.shtml.

Ormes, Sarah, editor. The Internet, Networking and the Public Library. Reviewed by Patrick Dewey. WL 8–2: 83–85.

Ortega, Alma C. “A History of the Fundação Biblioteca Nacional (FBN) and its Role in the Creation of National Library Reading Initiatives in Brazil.” WL 14–2: 55–67, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/ortega_v14n2.shtml.

Otike, Japhet, reviewer. The Silent Revolution in Africa: Debt, Development, and Democracy. Fantu Cheru. TWL 2–1: 72, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/otike_v2n1.shtml.

Out in the Cold: Academic Boycotts and the Isolation of South Africa. Lorraine J. Haricombe and F.W. Lancaster. Reviewed by Reuben Musiker. TWL 6–2: 82–83.

Outwitting History: The Amazing Adventures of a Man Who Rescued a Million Yiddish Books. Aaron Lansky. Reviewed by Edward J. Valauskas. WL 14–1: 89–90, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/vala_v14n1.shtml.

“An Overview of Scientific Research in the Dominican Republic.” Marisol Florén. TWL 3–1: 59–61.

Owusu–Ansah, David. Historical Dictionary of Ghana. Second edition. Reviewed by Anaba A. Alemna. TWL 6–1: 56–57.

Oyinloye, Ajibola Maxwell, reviewer. Bartholomew Udemmadu Nwafor, 1939–1991. Michael Wise, compiler. WL 9–1: 68–70.

--------. Nigerian Periodicals Index. B.U. Nwafor, editor. TWL 2–1: 80–81, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/oyinloye_v2n1.shtml.

Oyinloye, Maxwell A. “The Pioneers: William John Harris.” TWL 2–2: 7–9, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/oyinloye_v02n2.shtml.

Ozowa, V.N. “The World Bank Credit Facility to Nigerian Universities: Impact on Information Supply to Third–Generation University Libraries.” WL 7–2: 19–26, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/ozowa_v07n2.shtml.

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“Pacific Islands Association on Libraries and Archives Conference.” Joanne Tarpley. TWL 4–1: 63–64, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no1/tarpley_v04n1.shtml.

Pagell, Ruth A. International Business Information. Reviewed by Herbert S. White. TWL 5–1: 60.

“Pakistani Librarianship during the 1990s: A Literature Review.” Khalid Mahmood. WL 8–1: 42–56.

The Panjab Library Primer. Asa Don Dickinson. Reviewed by M.P. Satija. TWL 5–1: 56–57.

Panofsky, Hans, reviewer. Bibliography on Africa. R.P. Sood. TWL 1–2: 72.

--------. Libraries and Scholarly Communication in the United States: The Historical Dimensions. Phyllis Dain and John Y. Cole, editors. TWL 1–1: 56–57, http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/panofsky_v01n1.shtml.

--------. The African Social Situation: Crucial Issues Facing Contemporary Africa. TWL 3–2: 66–67, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/panof_v3n2.shtml.

Papangelis, Penelope, reviewer. The World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services. Robert Wedgeworth, editor. TWL 4–2: 59–62.

“Payment for Services Rendered: US–funded Dissent and the ‘Independent Libraries Project’ in Cuba.” Rhonda L. Neugebauer. WL 13–1&2: 23–39, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/neugebauer_v13n1-2.shtml.

Penna, Carlos Victor. “National Planning for Library and Information Services.” TWL 3–1: 26–32.

“The Perception of Technological Gap and Technological Lag.” Michael E.D. Koenig. TWL 2–2: 47–48, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/koenig_v02n2.shtml.

Pereyra, Ricardo Rodríguez. “Professional Situation of Librarians in the Rio de La Plata Area.” TWL 4–2: 45, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/pereyra_v04n2.shtml.

Pérez, Jr., Louis, editor. Encyclopedia of Cuba: People, History, Culture. Reviewed by Dennis Gooler. WL 13–1&2: 101–102, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gooler_v13n1-2.shtml.

Personal Professional Development and the Solo Librarian. Sue Lacey Bryant. Reviewed by Faye Powell. TWL 6–2: 80–81.

Peterson, J.E. Historical Dictionary of Saudi Arabia. Reviewed by Penelope Tuson. TWL 4–2: 51–52.

Peterson, Lorna. “Using the Ghanaian Journal Research Review as an Example for Demonstrating Access to African Research and Scholarship.” WL 12–2: 73–84, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/peterson_v12n2.shtml.

“The Pioneers: A.S. Nasution.” W.L. Williamson. TWL 4–2: 7–8, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/williamson_v04n2.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Abdul Moid.” Anis Khurshid. TWL 5–1: 6–10, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no1/khurshid_v05n1.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Asa Don Dickinson.” Mumtaz Ali Anwar. TWL 1–2: 7–15, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/anwar_v01n2.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Carl H. Milam.” Peggy Sullivan. WL 14–2: 3–9, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/milam_v14n2.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Carlos Victor Penna.” Josefa E. Sabor. WL 9–1: 31–37, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol09no1/sabor_v09n1.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Dorothy G. Collings.” William Vernon Jackson. WL 11–1&2: 7–16, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol11no1-2/jackson_v11n1-2.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Elsa Laula and Karla Stenberg, the First Sámi Woman Writers.” Vuokko Hirvonen. WL 12–1: 11–13, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/hirvonen_v12n1.shtml.

“The Pioneers: A Few Good Men and Women.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 6–1: 7–9, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol06no1/marco_v06n1.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Francis Otieno Pala, 1931–1987.” J.S. Musisi. TWL 5–2: 6–7, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no2/musisi_v05n2.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Harold Lancour.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 1–1: 5–6, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/marco_v01n1.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Herbert Isaac Ernest Dhlomo and the Development of Library Service to the African in South Africa.” R. Alain Everts. TWL 3–2: 7–19, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/everts_v03n2.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Herman H. Fussler (1915–1997) and the Creation of the Center for Research Libraries.” Edward J. Valauskas. WL 15–1: 3–9, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/fussler_v15n1.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Marietta Daniels Shepard.” Susan Shattuck Benson. TWL 3–1: 9–13, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no1/benson_v03n1.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Olinta Ariosa Morales.” Marta Terry González. Translated by Jane Carpenter. WL 13–1&2: 11–12, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gonzalez_morales_v13n1-2.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Peter Havard–Williams.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 6–2: 7–8, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol06no2/marco_v06n2.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Prof. Dr. El Sayed Mahmoud El Sheniti.” Mohamed M. El Hadi. WL 7–1: 7–8, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/hadi_v07n1.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Robert B. Downs.” William V. Jackson. TWL 4–1: 8–10, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no1/jackson_v04n1.shtml.

“The Pioneers: S.R. Ranganathan.” D.J. Foskett. TWL 2–1: 7–9, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/foskett_v02n1.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Tietse Pieter Sevensma.” Edward J. Valauskas. WL 14–1: 5–6, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/sevensma_v14n1.shtml.

“The Pioneers: Wilhelm and Gerhard Munthe.” Johan Koren. WL 12–2: 7–13, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/koren_v12n2.shtml.

“The Pioneers: William John Harris.” Maxwell A. Oyinloye. TWL 2–2: 7–9, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/oyinloye_v02n2.shtml.

Pissierssens, P. “RECOSCIX–WIO: Providing Scientific Information to Marine Scientists in the Estern Indian Ocean Region.” WL 8–1: 14–26.

“Planning for Collection Development in the Twenty–First Century.” Sam E. Ifidon. WL 7–2: 27–39, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/ifidon_v07n2.shtml.

Powell, Faye. “The National Gandhi Museum and Library.” TWL 4–1: 45–46, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no1/powell_v04n1.shtml.

--------, reviewer. Personal Professional Development and the Solo Librarian. Sue Lacey Bryant. TWL 6–2: 80–81.

--------. S.R. Ranganathan and the Method of Science. M.P. Satija. Reviewed by Faye Powell. TWL 3–2: 72–73.

The Practice of Conservation of Library Materials in Sub–Saharan Africa. M.E. Ojo–Igbinoda. Reviewed by Diana Rosenberg. TWL 4–1: 68–69.

“Preface: Indigenous Peoples and Librarianship.” Loriene Roy. WL 12–1: 28–31, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/roy_preface_v12n1.shtml.

“Preface: The Sámi of Northern Scandinavia and Russia.” Peter Sarri. WL 12–1: 66–70, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/sarri_preface_v12n1.shtml.

Preparing the Information Professional: An Agenda for the Future. Sajjad ur Rehman. Reviewed by Johan Koren. WL 10–1&2: 62–63, http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/koren-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

Presenting Information. Clare Nankivell and Michael Schoolbred. Reviewed by Fritz Veit. TWL 6–1: 59–60.

Preserving Library Materials: A Manual. Second edition. Susan G. Swartzburg. Reviewed by Theodore Spahn. TWL 5–2: 82–84.

“Preserving the Past, Preparing for the Future: Modern Chinese Libraries and Librarianship, 1898–2000.” Roy L. Sturgeon. WL 14–1: 45–55, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/sturg_v14n1.shtml.

Priestley, Carol, reviewer. Textbooks in the Third World: Policy, Content and Context. Philip G. Altbach and Gail P. Kelly, editors. TWL 1–1: 58–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/priestley_v01n1.shtml.

“Problems of Regional Library Education in the Caribbean.” O.O. Ogundipe. TWL 4–2: 18–30, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/ogundipe_v04n2.shtml.

“Professional Competencies among Librarians and Information Professionals in the Knowledge Era.” Anjali Gulati and R.L. Raina. WL 10–1&2: 11–18, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/gulati_v10n1-2.shtml

“Professional Situation of Librarians in the Rio de La Plata Area.” Ricardo Rodríguez Pereyra. TWL 4–2: 45, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/pereyra_v04n2.shtml.

“Profile of an African Library: Fourah Bay College.” Wilma L. Jones. TWL 5–2: 22–29.

“Promoting Reading among Immigrants from an Oral Culture.” Irene Sever. TWL 5–1: 17–23, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no1/sever_v05n1.shtml.

“Protection of Rights of Holders of Traditional Knowledge, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.” Lars Anders Baer. WL 12–1: 15–26, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/baer_v12n1.shtml.

“Provision of Library and Information Services to Rural Communities in Thailand.” Aree Cheuwattana and Shirley A. Fitzgibbons. WL 9–2: 19–36.

“Public and University Library Service to China’s Development of Market Economy.” Richard D. Ellis. WL 8–2: 12–38.

Public Enterprise Management: International Case Studies. Ali Farazmand, editor. Reviewed by Bill Crowley. WL 8–1: 80.

“The Public Library and Popular Culture: A Strategy for Improving Literacy.” Myriam Mejía. TWL 1–2: 43–46, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/mejia_v01n2.shtml.

Publishing and Book Development in Sub–Saharan Africa: An Annotated Bibliography. Hans M. Zell and Cécile Lomer. Reviewed by David L. Easterbrook. WL 7–1: 75–76.

Publishing and Development in the Third World. Philip G. Altbach, editor. Reviewed by Norman Horrocks. TWL 2–2: 67–68, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/horrocks_v02n2.shtml.

“Publishing of Library Journals in Nigeria.” Sam E. Ifidon. TWL 3–2: 45–49, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/ifidon_v03n2.shtml.

Qobose, Edwin. “Subject Specialisation at the University of Botswana Library and the Rand Afrikaans University Library: A Comparative Study.” WL 9–2: 5–18.

The Quiet Struggle: Libraries and Information for Africa. R. Paul Sturges and Richard Neill. Reviewed by Basil Amaeshi. TWL 3–2: 74–75.

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Rahin, Adbul Rasoul. “The Situation of Kabul University Library: Its Past and Present.” WL 8–2: 69–73.

Raina, Roshan Lal. “Going to the Web: Effective Communication Tools for Librarians and Information Managers.” WL 11–1&2: 75–82.

--------. “Professional Competencies among Librarians and Information Professionals in the Knowledge Era.” WL 10–1&2: 11–18, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/gulati_v10n1-2.shtml

Ramaiah, L.S., editor. Documentation and Bibliographic Control of the Humanities in India. Reviewed by R.N. Sharma. TWL 3–2: 68, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/sharma_v3n2.shtml.

“Reaching Out to Young Readers in the Countryside: Thailand’s Experience.” Aree Cheunwattana. TWL 1–2: 28–31, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/cheunwattana_v01n2.shtml.

“‘READ’ in Nepal.” Joan Phyllis Monego. WL 7–1: 65–68, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/monego_v07n1.shtml.

“Reading Initiatives: A Major Effort by the Libraries of the San Antonio de los Baños Community, Havana Province.” Maricele Corvo de Armas. Translated by Jane Carpenter. WL 13–1&2: 69–78, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/corvo_v13n1-2.shtml.

“Recent Reference Books in Taiwan.” Martha Leung, Lin–Yea Cheng, and Joyce Y. Wu. TWL 3–2: 20–39.

“RECOSCIX–WIO: Providing Scientific Information to Marine Scientists in the Estern Indian Ocean Region.” L. Egghe and P. Pissierssens. WL 8–1: 14–26.

“Reflections of a First Timer, IFLA Boston.” Prudence Dalrymple. WL 11–1&2: 5–6.

Rehman, Sajjad ur. Preparing the Information Professional: An Agenda for the Future. Reviewed by Johan Koren. WL 10–1&2: 62–63, http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/koren-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

Reilly, Bernard F. “The Center for Research Libraries: An Overview.” WL 15–1: 10–19, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/reilly_v15n1.shtml.

Reilly, Ginger. “Science–Technology–Medical Resources at the Center for Research Libraries.” WL 15–1: 91–97, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/wilke_v15n1.shtml.

Reinvention of the Public Library for the 21st Century. William L. Whitesides, editor. Reviewed by Bill Crowley. WL 9–1: 59–60.

Reneker, Maxine H., reviewer. Library Research Models. Thomas Mann. TWL 4–2: 53–54.

--------. Research and Evaluation for Information Professionals. Robert M. Losee, Jr. and Karen A. Worley. TWL 4–1: 77–78.

Renwick, Shamin. “Access to Information in the English–Speaking Caribbean.” TWL 6–2: 20–28.

--------. “What Caribbean Librarians Want from Caribbean Publishers.” WL 12–2: 65–72, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/renwick_v12n2.shtml.

“Report on Latin America.” William Vernon Jackson. TWL 5–2: 67–70.

“Report on the International Conference on Science Indicators for Developing Countries, Paris, October 1990.” Gretchen Whitney. TWL 2–1: 64–65, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/report_v02n1.shtml.

“Report on the Second International Conference on Interlending and Document Supply, London, 1990.” TWL 1–2: 53–55, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no2/report_v01n2.shtml.

Research and Evaluation for Information Professionals. Robert M. Losee, Jr. and Karen A. Worley. Reviewed by Maxine Reneker. TWL 4–1: 77–78.

“Research Summary: An Assessment of Nigerian Prison Libraries.” Benki S.H. Womboh. TWL 5–2: 74–75.

--------. “Research Summary: Variable Book Pricing in Nigeria.” TWL 6–1: 39–40.

“Resource Sharing in the Caribbean, with Specific Reference to the University of the West Indies.” Tereza Annette Richards. TWL 4–2: 31–32, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/richards_v04n2.shtml.

“Retrenched Journals: Further on the World Bank Loan in Nigeria.” R. Olorunsola. TWL 6–1: 29–30.

Richards, Tereza Annette. “Resource Sharing in the Caribbean, with Specific Reference to the University of the West Indies.” TWL 4–2: 31–32, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/richards_v04n2.shtml.

Rickert, Kathleen D. “Academic Libraries in Two Hemispheres: Different Cultures and a Shared Vision.” WL 12–2: 49–55, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/wagnerricket_v12n2.shtml.

Riemer, John J., editor. Cataloging and Classification Standards and Rules. Reviewed by Gertrude S. Koh. WL 8–1: 76–78.

Ringland, Inez, reviewer. World Guide to Special Libraries. Edited by Bettina Bartz, Ruth Lochar, and Helmut Opitz. Second edition. TWL 2–2: 69–70, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/ringland_v02n2.shtml.

Roman, Susan. “Editorial.” WL 15–2: 1–2, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no2/roman_v15n2.shtml.

Ronan, Linda. “The International Coalition on Newspapers.” WL 15–1: 73–79, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/ronan_v15n1.shtml.

Ronayne, Betty. “Libraries at ‘the End of Russia.’” Betty Ronayne. WL 10–1&2: 6–10, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/ronayne_v10n1-2.shtml.

Rosenberg, Diana. Achieving the Optimum Curriculum. Reviewed by Ashabai Chinyemba. TWL 5–2: 84–86.

--------. “Imposing Libraries: The Establishment of National Public Library Services in Africa, With Particular Reference to Kenya.” TWL 4–1: 35–44, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no1/rosenberg_v04n1.shtml.

--------. Survey of the Skills and Training Needs of Information Professionals in Kenya. Reviewed by Sr. Lauretta McCusker and Rose Mabwa. TWL 1–2: 70–71.

--------, editor. University Libraries in Africa: A Review of Their Current State and Future Potential. Reviewed by Al Kagan. WL 9–1: 61–64, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol09no1/kagan_v09n1.shtml.

--------, reviewer. The African Studies Companion. Hanz M. Zell and Cécile Lomer. WL 8–1: 73–75.

--------. Collection Development in African University Libraries — Challenges and Frustrations. Sam E. Ifidon. TWL 2–1: 75–76, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/rosenberg_v2n1.shtml.

--------. Libraries in Africa. Anthony Olden. TWL 6–2: 91–92.

--------. Measuring the Impact of Information on Development. Michel J. Menou, editor. TWL 5–2: 89–91.

--------. The Practice of Conservation of Library Materials in Sub–Saharan Africa. M.E. Ojo–Igbinoda. TWL 4–1: 68–69.

--------. Uganda: An Annotated Bibliography of Source Materials (with Particular Reference to the Period since 1971 and up to 1988). Cherry Getzel. TWL 2–2: 65–66, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/rosenberg_v02n2.shtml.

Roy, Loriene. “The International Indigenous Librarians’ Forum: A Professional Life–Affirming Event.” WL 10– 1&2: 19–30, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/roy_v10n1-2.shtml.

--------. “Preface: Indigenous Peoples and Librarianship.” WL 12–1: 28–31, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/roy_preface_v12n1.shtml.

--------. “Supporting, Documenting, and Preserving Tribal Cultural Lifeways: Library Services for Tribal Communities in the United States.” WL 12–1: 55–65, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/roy_v12n1.shtml.

Rugaas, Bendik, editor. Library/Information Science Education for the 21st Century. Reviewed by Peter Havard–Williams. TWL 4–1: 74–76.

“Rural Community Information System in Nigeria.” E.N.O. Adimorah and Paschal Ugoji. WL 7–2: 40–56.

“Rural Libraries in Cuba: Experiences in Camagüey.” Emma Presilla Andréu. Translated by Jane Carpenter. WL 13–1&2: 53–63, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/andreu_v13n1-2.shtml.

Ryan, Diane. “A Library Without Borders.” WL 15–1: 80–90, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/ryan_v15n1.shtml.

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S.R. Ranganathan, an Intellectual Biography. Girja Kumar. Reviewed by P.B. Mangla. TWL 3–2: 70–71.

S.R. Ranganathan and the Method of Science. M.P. Satija. Reviewed by Faye Powell. TWL 3–2: 72–73.

Sabor, Josefa Emilia. “The Issue of Librarianship in Argentina.” TWL 3–1: 40–46.

--------. “The Pioneers: Carlos Victor Penna.” Josefa E. Sabor. WL 9–1: 31–37, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol09no1/sabor_v09n1.shtml.

“Sámi Library Service in Norway.” Liv Inger Lindi. WL 12–1: 79–84, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/lindi_v12n1.shtml.

Sandhu, R.S., reviewer. Social Science Information in India: Efforts towards Bibliographical Control. S.D. Vyas. TWL 4–1: 78–80.

Sandore, Beth, editor. Digital Image Access & Retrieval. Reviewed by Gertrude S. Koh. WL 8–2: 75–78.

Sarri, Peter. “Creating a Library Plan for the Sámi in Sweden.” Translated by John Koren. WL 12–1: 71–78, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/sarri_v12n1.shtml.

--------. “Preface: The Sámi of Northern Scandinavia and Russia.” WL 12–1: 66–70, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/sarri_preface_v12n1.shtml.

Satija, M.P. “Bibliographies of Indian Library Service: A Literature Review.” TWL 4–2: 9–17, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/satija_v04n2.shtml.

--------. “Birth Centenary Literature on Ranganathan.” TWL 4–1: 17–25.

--------. Dewey Decimal Classification. Reviewed by Mary Brady. TWL 5–1: 58–59.

--------. S.R. Ranganathan and the Method of Science. Reviewed by Faye Powell. TWL 3–2: 72–73.

--------, editor. Bibliography of the Colon Classification 1930–1993. Reviewed by R.N. Sharma. TWL 5–2: 86–87.

--------, reviewer. Government of India Libraries: Their Growth, Development, and Services. Anuradha Gupta. TWL 5–2: 87–89.

--------. Libraries, Archives and Information Technology: An Annotated Bibliography, 1970–1990, Part 1. B.M. Gupta, editor. TWL 2–1: 79, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/satija_v2n1.shtml.

--------. The Panjab Library Primer. Asa Don Dickinson. TWL 5–1: 56–57.

--------. Social Science Information in India: Efforts towards Bibliographical Control. S.D. Vyas. TWL 4–1: 78–80.

--------. Success Factors for Fee–Based Information Services. Irene Wormell. WL 9–1: 67–68.

“School Libraries in Taiwan: A Review of the Statistics Since 1950.” Martha C. Leung and Michael A. Davis. TWL 2–1: 17–28, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/leung_v02n1.shtml.

Schoolbred, Michael. Presenting Information. Reviewed by Fritz Veit. TWL 6–1: 59–60.

Schultz, Jeffrey D. editor. Global Links: A Guide to Key People and Institutions Worldwide. Reviewed by Johan Koren. WL 9–2: 51–52.

Schwartz, Philip J., editor. Biographical Directory of National Librarians. Reviewed by William Vernon Jackson. TWL 2–1: 70–71, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/jackson_v2n1.shtml.

“Science–Technology–Medical Resources at the Center for Research Libraries.” Mary Wilke and Ginger Reilly. WL 15–1: 91–97, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/wilke_v15n1.shtml.

“The Scientific Literature Service in Tanzania.” Kebede Gessesse and S.S. Mbwana. TWL 2–2: 60–61, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/gessesse_v02n2.shtml.

The SCOLMA Directory of Libraries and Special Collections on Africa in the United Kingdom and Europe. Fifth revised and expanded edition. Tom French, compiler and editor. Reviewed by Guy A. Marco. TWL 4–1: 71.

Scrivener, Laurie, editor. International Biographical Directory of National Archivists, Documentalists, and Librarians. Second edition. Reviewed by Michael Dowling. WL 10–1&2: 60–61, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/dowling-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

See, Ch’ng Kim, editor. The Information Challenge. Reviewed by Roderick Cave. TWL 6–2: 84–85.

Seng, Michael, reviewer. Africa. Edward Bever. WL 8–1: 71–72.

Sepehri, Abazar. “A Book Buyer in Algeria.” TWL 2–2: 43–46, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/sepehri_v02n2.shtml.

--------. “A Book Buyer in Tunisia.” TWL 2–1: 54–60, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/sepehri_v02n1.shtml.

“September 11th, 2001 and Libraries: Forging a Professional Persona.” Johan Koren. WL 11–1&2: 57–66.

Sever, Irene. “Promoting Reading among Immigrants from an Oral Culture.” TWL 5–1: 17–23, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no1/sever_v05n1.shtml.

Shaibu, Samaila. “An Assessment of the School Library Literature in Nigeria with Emphasis on the Impact of School Libraries on Educational Performance.” WL 7–2: 57–62.

“Shanghai Public Libraries March into the Twenty–first Century.” Wang Lili. WL 7–1: 36–44, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/lili_v07n1.shtml.

Sharma, R.N., reviewer. Bibliography of the Colon Classification 1930–1993. M.P. Satija and Amrik Singh, editors. TWL 5–2: 86–87.

--------. Documentation and Bibliographic Control of the Humanities in India. L.S. Ramaiah and M. Kanakachary, editors. TWL 3–2: 68, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/sharma_v3n2.shtml.

Shibanda, George Gundu. “Agricultural Information Networking in Africa: Status and Prospects.” TWL 6–1: 24–28.

--------, reviewer. Agricultural Information in Africa. L.O. Aina, A.M. Kanika, and J.B. Ojimbo, editors. TWL 6–2: 93–94.

Shibanda, Gundu. “Information Infrastructure in Two Kenyan Development Plans.” TWL 4–1: 66–67.

Siegel, Gretta E. “Tale of Two Conferences — Cuba Style.” WL 13–1&2: 85–89, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/siegel_v13n1-2.shtml.

The Silent Revolution in Africa: Debt, Development, and Democracy. Fantu Cheru. Reviewed by Japhet Otike. TWL 2–1: 72, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/otike_v2n1.shtml.

Simon, Elisabeth. “Foreign Relations Bureau of the German Library Institute and its Relationship to Latin American Countries.” TWL 3–1: 93–98.

Simon, James. “Area Studies Microform Projects at the Center for Research Libraries.” WL 15–1: 48–72, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/simon2_v15n1.shtml.

--------. “The Global Resources Network (with a Description of the Digital South Asia Library by Gerald Hall).” WL 15–1: 29–47, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/simon_v15n1.shtml.

Sinclair–Sparvier, Wendy. “Improving & Delivering Effective Library Services for Aboriginal Peoples in Saskatchewan: A Canadian Province’s Approach to Answering the Needs of the Aboriginal Community.” WL 12–1: 32–44, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/sinclair_v12n1.shtml.

Singh, Amrik, editor. Bibliography of the Colon Classification 1930–1993. Reviewed by R.N. Sharma. TWL 5–2: 86–87.

Sissao, Alain Joseph. “The Cost of Getting Books Read in Rural Africa: Estimates from a Survey of Library Use in Burkina Faso.” WL 14–2: 36–45, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/kevane_v14n2.shtml.

“The Situation of Kabul University Library: Its Past and Present.” Abdul Rasoul Rahin. WL 8–2: 69–73.

Smith, A. Arro. “Supporting, Documenting, and Preserving Tribal Cultural Lifeways: Library Services for Tribal Communities in the United States.” WL 12–1: 55–65, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/roy_v12n1.shtml.

Smith, Harold E. Historical Dictionary of Thailand. Reviewed by Aree Cheunwattana and Wutdichai Moolsilpa. TWL 6–2: 87–88.

Smith, Kent. “On the Road for Public Libraries in Honduras.” TWL 3–1: 68–75, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no1/smith_v03n1.shtml.

Social Science Information in India: Efforts towards Bibliographical Control. S.D. Vyas. Reviewed by M.P. Satija and R.S. Sandhu. TWL 4–1: 78–80.

Sood, R.P. Bibliography on Africa. Reviewed by Hans Panofsky. TWL 1–2: 72.

“South American Authors in Major Bibliographic Databases.” Gretchen Whitney. TWL 2–1: 29–48, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/whitney_v02n1.shtml.

Spahn, Theodore, reviewer. Directory of Rare Book and Special Collections in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Second edition. B.C. Bloomfield, editor. WL 8–2: 79–81.

--------. Preserving Library Materials: A Manual. Second edition. Susan G. Swartzburg. TWL 5–2: 82–84.

“Special Libraries and Other Information Institutions in Cuba.” Marta Terry González. Translated by Jane Carpenter. WL 13-1&2: 41–52, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gonzales_v13n1-2.shtml.

“Sr. Lauretta McCusker Memorial Lecture.” Prudence W. Dalrymple. WL 8–2: 5–11, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol08no2/dalrymple_v8n2.shtml.

“Standards for Library Automation in Korea.” Gertrude S. Koh. TWL 4–1: 26–34, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no1/koh_v04n1.shtml.

State of the Modern Information Professional, 1992–1993: An International View of the State of the Information Professional and the Information Profession in 1992–1993. Reviewed by Jean Tague Sutcliffe. TWL 4–2: 57–58.

Staten, Clifford L. The History of Cuba. Reviewed by Dennis Gooler. WL 13–1&2: 101–102, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gooler_v13n1-2.shtml.

Steinhagen, Elizabeth N. “Chile’s Binational Center Library.” TWL 2–2: 36–39, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/steinhagen_v02n2.shtml.

Stockwell, Foster. A History of Information Storage and Retrieval. Reviewed by Robert V. Williams. WL 11–1&2: 83–84.

“Structure of Influence in Library and Information Science Research in Nigeria.” M. Afolabi. WL 7–2: 93–112.

“A Study of the Information Seeking Behavior of Undergraduate Students of Makerere University, Uganda.” Miriam Kakai, R. Ikoja–Odongo, and I.M.N. Kigongo–Bukenya. WL 14–1: 57–79, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/kakai_v14n1.shtml.

Sturgeon, Roy L. “Preserving the Past, Preparing for the Future: Modern Chinese Libraries and Librarianship, 1898–2000.” WL 14–1: 45–55, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/sturg_v14n1.shtml.

Sturges, R. Paul. The Quiet Struggle: Libraries and Information for Africa. Reviewed by Basil Amaeshi. TWL 3–2: 74–75.

“Subject Specialisation at the University of Botswana Library and the Rand Afrikaans University Library: A Comparative Study.” Edwin Qobose. WL 9–2: 5–18.

Success Factors for Fee–Based Information Services. Irene Wormell. Reviewed by M.P. Satija. WL 9–1: 67–68.

Sule, N.N. “The World Bank Credit Facility to Nigerian Universities: Impact on Information Supply to Third–Generation University Libraries.” WL 7–2: 19–26, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/ozowa_v07n2.shtml.

Sullivan, Peggy. “Message from the Chair of the Editorial Board.” WL 7–1: 5–6, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/message_v07n1.shtml.

--------. “Message from the Chair of the Editorial Board.” Peggy Sullivan. WL 7–2: 3, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/message_v07n2.shtml.

--------. “The Pioneers: Carl H. Milam.” WL 14–2: 3–9, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/milam_v14n2.shtml.

“Supporting, Documenting, and Preserving Tribal Cultural Lifeways: Library Services for Tribal Communities in the United States.” Loriene Roy and A. Arro Smith. WL 12–1: 55–65, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/roy_v12n1.shtml.

Survey of the Skills and Training Needs of Information Professionals in Kenya. Diana Rosenberg. Reviewed by Sr. Lauretta McCusker and Rose Mabwa. TWL 1–2: 70–71.

Sutton, Francis X., reviewer. Comparative African Experiences in Implementing Educational Policies. John Craig. TWL 2–1: 73–74, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/sutton_v2n1.shtml.

Swartzburg, Susan G. Preserving Library Materials: A Manual. Second edition. Reviewed by Theodore Spahn. TWL 5–2: 82–84.

“Symposium: Libraries and Government Decision Making.” Guy A. Marco. TWL 4–1: 11–16.

Szekely, Chris. “Te Ara Tika: Maori and Libraries in New Zealand — Staying the Distance.” WL 12–1: 46–53, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/szekely_v12n1.shtml.

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Tague–Sutcliffe, Jean, reviewer. State of the Modern Information Professional, 1992–1993: An International View of the State of the Information Professional and the Information Profession in 1992–1993. TWL 4–2: 57–58.

Taher, Mohamed. Librarianship and Library Science in India: An Outline of Historical Perspectives. Reviewed by P.B. Mangla. TWL 6–1: 53–56.

--------. “Library History in India: Histographical Assessments and Current Trends.” TWL 3–2: 40–44, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no2/davis_v03n2.shtml.

“Tale of Two Conferences — Cuba Style.” Gretta E. Siegel. WL 13–1&2: 85–89, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/siegel_v13n1-2.shtml.

Tallman, Julie, editor. Translating an International Education to a National Environment. Reviewed by John F. Harvey. TWL 1–2: 73–75.

“The Tanzania Library Service: A Review of Recent Literature.” Cecilia Dahlgren. TWL 5–1: 30–41, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no1/dahlgren_v05n1.shtml.

Tarpley, Joanne. “Conference Report: Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives (PIALA), 1994 Meeting, Tamuning, Guam, November 2–4, 1994.” TWL 5–2: 76–77, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no2/tarpley_v05n2.shtml.

--------. “Conference Report: Third SCAINIP Seminar and PAIS Workshop, Alafua, Western Samoa, 8–19 August 1994.” TWL 5–1: 49–51.

--------. “Pacific Islands Association on Libraries and Archives Conference.” TWL 4–1: 63–64, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no1/tarpley_v04n1.shtml.

Taylor, Sally A. “American Institute in Taiwan: Cultural and Information Section.” TWL 6–2: 72–74, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol06no2/taylor_v06n2.shtml.

“Te Ara Tika: Maori and Libraries in New Zealand — Staying the Distance.” Chris Szekely. WL 12–1: 46–53, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no1/szekely_v12n1.shtml.

Terry González, Marta. “The Pioneers: Olinta Ariosa Morales.” WL 13–1&2: 11–12, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gonzalez_morales_v13n1-2.shtml.

--------. “Special Libraries and Other Information Institutions in Cuba.” WL 13-1&2: 41–52, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/gonzales_v13n1-2.shtml.

Textbooks in the Third World: Policy, Content and Context. Philip G. Altbach and Gail P. Kelly, editors. Reviewed by Carol Priestley. TWL 1–1: 58–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/priestley_v01n1.shtml.

“Theft and Mutilation; the Bane of Library Resources Development: Ramat Library Security Experience.” Bola Mebude Akinnigbagbe. WL 11–1&2: 17–29.

“Thesis Writing and Preservation at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad: A Librarian’s Input.” Reginald Clarke. WL 10–1&2: 31–42, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/clarke_v10n1-2.shtml.

Thiessen, Tanya. “Library Aid to Developing Countries in Times of Globalization: A Literature Review.” WL 12–2: 15–36, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/curry_v12n2.shtml.

“The Third Wave and Third World Libraries.” Kishni Navalani. TWL 4–2: 33–35.

Torres, Ana Cecilia. “Library Cooperation in Costa Rica.” TWL 3–1: 76–78, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol03no1/torres_v03n1.shtml.

“Towards Behavioral Approaches to Library Practice: A Model for Integrating Social Skills Training in Nigerian Library School Curricula.” John Agada. WL 7–2: 78–92, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/agada2_v07n2.shtml.

“Training of Librarians in Cuba.” Margarita Bella. Translated by Jane Carpenter. WL 13–1&2: 65–67, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/bella_v13n1-2.shtml.

Translating an International Education to a National Environment. Julie Tallman and Joseph Ojiambo. Reviewed by John F. Harvey. TWL 1–2: 73–75.

“Trends in Collection Growth in Nigerian University Libraries.” Benki S.H. Womboh. TWL 3–2: 62.

Trezza, Alphonse, reviewer. If You Want to Evaluate Your Library. Second edition. F. Wilfrid Lancaster. TWL 4–1: 69–70.

Turfan, Barbara, editor. Emerging Democracies and Freedom of Information: Proceedings of a Conference of the International Group of the Library Association (IGLA) Oxford, September 1994. Reviewed by Norman Horrocks. TWL 6–2: 89–90.

Tuson, Penelope, reviewer. Historical Dictionary of Saudi Arabia. J.E. Peterson. TWL 4–2: 51–52.

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Uganda: An Annotated Bibliography of Source Materials (with Particular Reference to the Period since 1971 and up to 1988). Cherry Getzel. Reviewed by Diana Rosenberg. TWL 2–2: 65–66, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/rosenberg_v02n2.shtml.

Ugoji, Paschal. “Rural Community Information System in Nigeria.” WL 7–2: 40–56.

“Universal Availability of Publications and Copyright Laws.” M.A.O. Anigilaje. TWL 3–2: 63–64.

University Libraries in Africa: A Review of Their Current State and Future Potential. Diana Rosenberg, editor. Reviewed by Al Kagan. WL 9–1: 61–64, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol09no1/kagan_v09n1.shtml.

“University Library Buildings in the Tropics: A Literature Survey.” Betty I. Ifidon. TWL 1–1: 34–39, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/ifidon_v01n1.shtml.

“The Urge to Preserve: Cuban Collaborations.” Jeanne Drewes. WL 13–1&2: 91–99, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol13no1-2/drewes_v13n1-2.shtml.

“Using the Ghanaian Journal Research Review as an Example for Demonstrating Access to African Research and Scholarship.” Lorna Peterson. WL 12–2: 73–84, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/peterson_v12n2.shtml.

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Valauskas, Edward J. “Making World Libraries Digital: A Brief Description.” WL 14–1: 15–19, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/digital_v14n1.shtml.

--------. “The Pioneers: Herman H. Fussler (1915–1997) and the Creation of the Center for Research Libraries.” WL 15–1: 3–9, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/fussler_v15n1.shtml.

--------. “The Pioneers: Tietse Pieter Sevensma.” WL 14–1: 5–6, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/sevensma_v14n1.shtml.

--------, reviewer. Libraries. Candida Höfer. WL 14–2: 69–70, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no2/vala_v14n2.shtml.

--------. Outwitting History: The Amazing Adventures of a Man Who Rescued a Million Yiddish Books. Aaron Lansky. WL 14–1: 89–90, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/vala_v14n1.shtml.

--------. Who Are You? Identification, Description, and Surveillance in Early Modern Europe. Valentin Groebne. WL 15–1: 99–100, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/vala_v15n1.shtml.

Valverde, Virginia Betancourt. “A New Alliance: ABINIA.” TWL 3–1: 33–35.

Veit, Fritz, reviewer. Applying Research to Practice. Leigh Stewart Estabrook. TWL 4–1: 72–74.

--------. International Librarianship. K.C. Harrison. TWL 1–1: 54–55, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/veit_v1n1-54.shtml.

--------. Management of Training and Staff Development. June Whetherly. TWL 5–1: 53–54.

--------. Presenting Information. Clare Nankivell and Michael Schoolbred. TWL 6–1: 59–60.

Vernon, Elizabeth. “Librarianship in Lebanon in the Post–Civil War Period.” TWL 4–2: 36–41, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/vernon_v04n2.shtml.

Villegas, Lina Espitaleta de. “The Luis Angel Arango Library in Bogotá.” TWL 3–1: 47–50.

Vyas, S.D. “Library Automation and Networking in India: Problems and Prospects.” WL 8–1: 27–35, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol08no1/vyas_v08n1.shtml.

--------. Social Science Information in India: Efforts towards Bibliographical Control. Reviewed by M.P. Satija and R.S. Sandhu. TWL 4–1: 78–80.

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Wagner, Mary M. “Academic Libraries in Two Hemispheres: Different Cultures and a Shared Vision.” WL 12–2: 49–55, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/wagnerricket_v12n2.shtml.

--------. “Editorial.” Mary M. Wagner.WL 14–1: 3–4, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/wagner_v14n1.shtml.

--------. “GSLIS at IFLA in Oslo, Norway.” WL 14–1: 11–13, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol14no1/oslo_v14n1.shtml.

Wanasundera, Leelangi. “Information Network on Rural Development (INRD), Bangladesh.” TWL 5–1: 11–16, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol05no1/wanasundera_v05n1.shtml.

Wang, Chih. “Continuing Education, Guam.” TWL 2–2: 52–53, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/wang_v02n2.shtml.

--------, reviewer. International Biographical Directory of National Archivists, Documentalists, and Librarians. Frances Laverne Carroll, editor and compiled by Susan Houck. WL 8–2: 82–83.

Watson, Mary Frances, reviewer. Information and Information Systems. Michael Buckland. TWL 2–2: 62–64, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/watson_v02n2.shtml.

Webb, Terry D., editor. Building Libraries for the 21st Century: The Shape of Information. Reviewed by William Vernon Jackson. WL 10–1&2: 55–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/jackson-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

Wedgeworth, Robert, editor. ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services. Second edition. Reviewed by P.B. Mangla. TWL 1–1: 49–51, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/mangla_v01n1.shtml.

--------. The World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services. Reviewed by Penelope Papangelis and Guy A. Marco. TWL 4–2: 59–62.

Welch, Theodore F. Libraries and Librarianship in Japan. Reviewed by William S. Wong. WL 8–1: 79.

Welsh, Brian W.W., editor. Dictionary of Development. Reviewed by Guy A. Marco. TWL 1–2: 61.

Wertsman, Vladimir. The Librarian’s Companion: A Handbook of Thousands of Facts and Figures on Libraries, Librarians, Books, Newspapers, Publishers, Booksellers. Second edition. Reviewed by Tze–chung Li. WL 7–1: 71–72, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no1/li_v07n1.shtml.

“What Caribbean Librarians Want from Caribbean Publishers.” Shamin Renwick. WL 12–2: 65–72, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol12no2/renwick_v12n2.shtml.

Whetherly, June. Management of Training and Staff Development. Reviewed by Fritz Veit. TWL 5–1: 53–54.

Whilhite, Jeffrey M., editor. International Biographical Directory of National Archivists, Documentalists, and Librarians. Second edition. Reviewed by Michael Dowling. WL 10–1&2: 60–61, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol10no1-2/dowling-bk_v10n1-2.shtml.

White, Herbert S., reviewer. International Business Information. Ruth A. Pagell and Michael Halperin. TWL 5–1: 60.

Whitesides, William L, editor. Reinvention of the Public Library for the 21st Century. Reviewed by Bill Crowley. WL 9–1: 59–60.

Whitney, Gretchen. “Report on the International Conference on Science Indicators for Developing Countries, Paris, October 1990.” TWL 2–1: 64–65, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/report_v02n1.shtml.

--------. “South American Authors in Major Bibliographic Databases.” TWL 2–1: 29–48, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no1/whitney_v02n1.shtml.

--------, reviewer. Education and Training of Information Professionals: Comparative and International Perspectives. G.E. Gorman, editor. TWL 1–2: 62–63.

Who Are You? Identification, Description, and Surveillance in Early Modern Europe. Valentin Groebne. Reviewed by Edward J. Valauskas. WL 15–1: 99–100, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/vala_v15n1.shtml.

Who’s Who in Library & Information Science Training Institutions in Africa. L.O. Aina, editor. Reviewed by Benki S.H. Womboh. TWL 3–2: 76.

Wilke, Mary. “Science–Technology–Medical Resources at the Center for Research Libraries.” WL 15–1: 91–97, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol15no1/wilke_v15n1.shtml.

Williams, Robert V. “Conference on Library Education in Latin America.” TWL 4–1: 49–62.

--------, reviewer. A History of Information Storage and Retrieval. Foster Stockwell. WL 11–1&2: 83–84.

Williamson, W.L. “The Pioneers: A.S. Nasution.” TWL 4–2: 7–8, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol04no2/williamson_v04n2.shtml.

--------, reviewer. Memorable Journey: Commemorating 25 years of CONSAL (Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians), 1970–95. Khoo Siew Mun, editor. WL 7–1: 73–74.

Win, May Kyi. Historical Dictionary of Thailand. Reviewed by Aree Cheunwattana and Wutdichai Moolsilpa. TWL 6–2: 87–88.

Winke, R. Conrad, reviewer. Dewey Decimal Classification. Lois Mai Chan and Joan S. Mitchell, editors. WL 9–1: 65–66.

--------. Information Seeking and Subject Representation: An Activity–theoretical Approach to Information Science. Birger Hjørland. WL 9–1: 64–65.

Wise, Michael. “Access to Third World Journals and Conference Proceedings: Report on a Workshop at the 59th IFLA General Conference, Barcelona, 1993.” TWL 5–1: 44–48.

--------, compiler. Bartholomew Udemmadu Nwafor, 1939–1991. Reviewed by Ajibola Maxwell Oyinloye. WL 9–1: 68–70.

--------, compiler and editor. Information and Libraries in the Developing World. Reviewed by Su Xin Lu. TWL 5–2: 91–92.

Witherell, Julian W., editor. Africana Resources and Collections: Three Decades of Development and Achievement. Reviewed by Margaret Anderson. TWL 1–1: 47–48 and at http://www.worlib.org/vol01no1/anderson_v01n1.shtml.

Womboh, Benki S.H. “Appointing University Librarians in Nigeria: A Critique of the Process.” TWL 2–2: 58–59, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/womboh_v02n2.shtml.

--------. “Research Summary: An Assessment of Nigerian Prison Libraries.” TWL 5–2: 74–75.

--------. “Trends in Collection Growth in Nigerian University Libraries.” TWL 3–2: 62.

--------, reviewer. Who’s Who in Library & Information Science Training Institutions in Africa. L.O. Aina, editor. TWL 3–2: 76.

Wong, William S., reviewer. Libraries and Librarianship in Japan. Theodore F. Welch. WL 8–1: 79.

“The World Bank Credit Facility to Nigerian Universities: Impact on Information Supply to Third–Generation University Libraries.” V.N. Ozowa and N.N. Sule. WL 7–2: 19–26, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol07no2/ozowa_v07n2.shtml.

The World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services. Robert Wedgeworth, editor. Reviewed by Penelope Papangelis and Guy A. Marco. TWL 4–2: 59–62.

World Guide to Special Libraries. Edited by Bettina Bartz, Ruth Lochar, and Helmut Opitz. Second edition. Reviewed by Inez Ringland. TWL 2–2: 69–70, and at http://www.worlib.org/vol02no2/ringland_v02n2.shtml.

World Librarianship: Its International and Comparative Dimension: An Annotated Bibliography, 1976–1992. A.M. Abdul Huq. Reviewed by Anis Khurshid. WL 7–1: 77–78.

Worley, Karen A. Research and Evaluation for Information Professionals. Reviewed by Maxine Reneker. TWL 4–1: 77–78.

Wormell, Irene. Success Factors for Fee–Based Information Services. Reviewed by M.P. Satija. WL 9–1: 67–68.

Writings on African Archives. John McIlwaine. Reviewed by Anthony Olden. WL 8–1: 81–82.

Wu, Joyce Y. “Recent Reference Books in Taiwan.” TWL 3–2: 20–39.

Zell, Hans M. The African Studies Companion. Reviewed by Diana Rosenberg. WL 8–1: 73–75.

--------. Publishing and Book Development in Sub–Saharan Africa: An Annotated Bibliography. Reviewed by David L. Easterbrook. WL 7–1: 75–76.

--------, editor. African Studies Companion. Reviewed by Phyllis Bischof. TWL 1–2: 59–60.

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