RECOSCIX–WIO: Providing Scientific Information to Marine Scientists in the Western Indian Ocean Region


This paper describes the project RECOSCIX–WIO (Regional Cooperation in Scientific Information Exchange in the Western Indian Ocean Region). Details are given on the project’s history, operational structure, and communication facilities, as well as its comprehensive range of services and products (query handling, document delivery, WIODIR, WIOLIB, WINDOW, WIOCURRENT). The paper provides information on the next phase of the project (1996–99), which includes the services and products of the previous phase but also adds development of a WWW server and CD–ROM products. The paper highlights the substantial collaboration with other projects and programmes which facilitates its sustainability beyond 1999.


Information is one of the most elementary tools used by scientists all over the world and in all scientific disciplines. Communication is a basic requirement for the growth of scientific knowledge, and economic and technological development. Both information and communication technologies have seen major changes during recent decades.


Many countries in the developing world started the post-colonial era with a very basic communication infrastructure, or none at all. Lack of state funding and economic investment for decades has created a substantial gap between the industrialized and developing nations. In the industrial world the geometric growth of the Internet as an “information superhighway” has created an environment where scientists (and other users) can communicate in real (or nearly real) time and enjoy almost instantaneous access to information, irrespective of their physical locations. This obviously has substantial repercussions on the information and data output of the scientific community. Lack of access to modern communication tools, on the other hand, can throw a scientist into the backwaters of scientific development. Especially for developing countries, where access to the Internet is coming slowly, this exacerbates an already existing isolation due to lack of scientific literature.


To be able to compete in the rapidly evolving world of science, remaining up–to–date with the latest developments and discoveries is crucial. This requires access to at least a number of core journals, participation in scientific meetings, or (in more general terms) timely access to scientific information. Lack of funds and, to some extent, lack of appreciation for the important role of information have created a situation where most libraries in developing countries are very poorly equipped and do not even subscribe to the most important journals. They often need to rely on donations of (often old) books and journals. Funds for scientific or technological development projects are mostly allocated for equipment, training, and operational expenses. Rarely are funds set aside for the development of the library.


In 1985, Kenya and Belgium embarked on the Kenya–Belgium Project in Marine Sciences (KBP), funded by the Belgian Administration for Development Cooperation (BADC). The project’s main objective was to develop marine science capabilities at the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), based in Mombasa. During the first months of the project it was discovered that no provision had been made for scientific literature. The project managers (S. Allela and Ph. Polk) realized that information was an essential component in the development process, so they invited L. Egghe of the Limburg University Centre (LUC) (Diepenbeek, Belgium) to investigate ways and means of providing a “query handling and document delivery” service. This service was soon set up between KMFRI and LUC. In view of the substantial demand for information by the scientists, the KBP and LUC requested P. Pissierssens, a Belgian KBP expert based at KMFRI, to investigate whether other marine science institutions in the region were facing the same challenges of lack of access to scientific information. A mission was undertaken in 1986 to Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Somalia, and Tanzania. The objectives of the mission were (i) to evaluate the status of marine science libraries in the region, and (ii) to assess the feasibility of electronic (e–mail) communication between the visited countries and KMFRI. The conclusions of the mission were (i) that all institutions in the region had poorly equipped libraries, and (ii) that electronic communication was technically possible but not economically viable at that moment. On the basis of the mission results a project proposal was drafted by the consultants (P. Pissierssens and H. Onyango) for the development of a “regional scientific information exchange project”. This proposal was submitted to, and approved by, the IOC Regional Committee for the Cooperative Investigation in the North and Central Western Indian Ocean (IOCINCWIO) during its second session in Arusha, Tanzania (1987). The region asked the IOC to identify funds for a pilot project and accepted the offer of KMFRI to host the “regional dispatch centre” in Mombasa.

The IOC started the development of the pilot project in February 1989. Mr. Pissierssens was hired as an IOC Associate Expert, funded by Belgium, to coordinate the project. After two years, the project had developed a query handling and document delivery service, compiled a regional directory of marine scientists, and published a regional newsletter (1).

A project proposal, developed by LUC in close collaboration with KMFRI and IOC, was then submitted to, and approved by, the Flemish Inter–University Council (VLIR). It covered a period of four years and had a budget of nearly US$500,000 provided by BADC, who nominated LUC as the controlling university. The Flemish Council for Development Cooperation and Technical Support (VVOB) provided a full–time coordinator (P. Reyniers) to succeed Mr. Pissierssens. KMFRI provided office space, utilities, and local project staff. The project started in 1991.

RECOSCIX–WIO: The Objectives

The objectives of the project are to

The Operational Structure

The RECOSCIX–WIO operational structure is a network of Cooperating Institutions (CIs), Associate Institutions (Ms), and Cooperating Libraries (CLs). Further, there is a “pool” of contacts spread throughout the world. To link the different components, a Regional Dispatch Centre (RDC) was established. This centre acts as a traffic controller, routing user requests to information sources and information to users.

Cooperating Institutions are marine science institutions in Western Indian Ocean region countries, including Eritrea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, and Tanzania. These institutions are entitled to the services and products, free of charge, as well as to equipment and training. It is their responsibility, as a counterpart activity, to commit resources to building a database of local library holdings as a contribution to the WIOLIB database, and to service document requests received from the RECOSCIX–WIO RDC. There are currently twelve of these institutions (see Annex 1).

Associate Institutions. During the project it became clear that the region has many small institutions or projects which need the RECOSCIX services but cannot commit the resources to fully participate in the counterpart activities. It was therefore decided to establish the component, “associate institution”. These institutions are entitled to free services and products, but do not receive equipment and training. There are currently fifty–one such institutions (see Annex 1).

Cooperating Libraries are marine science libraries both within and outside the region. They provide a document delivery service upon request by the RDC. There are currently twenty–five of them (see Annex 2).

Contacts act as occasional sources of information and also help RECOSCIX–WIO in generating visibility or mobilizing support.

The Regional Dispatch Centre is based at the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute in Mombasa.

Electronic communication through e–mail has been available at the RDC since 1989. In fact, the RDC was one of the first X.25 packet switching users in Kenya and was a pilot site for the Kenya Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (KP&TC). Initially using Greenet (UK) as its e–mail service provider, RECOSCIX–WIO in 1996 migrated to a UNIX–based e–mail mirror site agreement with the University of Antwerp (UA). This allowed for the creation of over fifty e–mail addresses at KMFRI. However, due to the high cost of international X.25 communication e–mail, communication has remained a heavy financial burden on the project. Thanks to the liberalization of telecommunications in Kenya, which started in 1996, several Internet service providers (ISPs) have now started business in the country. In May 1997, RECOSCIX–WIO ceased the use of the UA mirror site operation and migrated to a private ISP. The next step will be the loading of a RECOSCIX–WIO web server on the ISP server. (So far, RECOSCIX information has been available only on the IOC web server.)

Whereas communication between the cooperating institutions was mainly paper–based between 1989 and 1995, electronic mail is now increasingly being used. Several countries in the region have liberalized communication, and ISPs are offering affordable Internet access.

The Services & Products

Service: Query Handling (QH)

QH is a service which informs scientists of the existence of scientific literature on a topic that can be described by means of key words. In the early stages of the project, most problems of this type were handled by using the DIALOG on–line service (USA). Nowadays it is used only for searches that fall outside the scope of the ASFA database (Aquatic Science and Fisheries Abstracts). The ASFA database has been available at the RDC on CD–ROM since 1989. Scientists describe in free text the information they require. At the RDC this is translated into a search query for the ASFA database. The resulting abstracts are mailed back to the scientist on paper or diskette. Since 1996 major CIs receive the ASFA CD–ROM directly. Through joint efforts between RECOSCIX–WIO and IOC, thirteen institutions in seven countries receive the ASFA database CD–ROM directly. Since 1996 the KMFRI has been an ASFA input centre, taking responsibility for the abstracting of journals and other publications published in the region.

The description of this first service illustrates the power of dealing with a single scientific subject; one needs but a few databases — or perhaps only one, in this case, ASFA — to cover most of the searches. The advantage of using CD–ROM becomes apparent, too; no telecommunication costs are incurred. For more on the use of CD–ROM as a carrier of scientific information, we refer the reader to Tanui (1995), Bamba (1994), Richer (1994), Abid and Pelissier (1993), Ojo–Igbinoba (1993), Compton (1992), Nkhata (1992), White (1992), and Ephraim (1991). Ojo–Igbinoba (1993), especially, summarizes it very well. His paper defines CD–ROMs, describes their advantages, and contrasts them with the online industry. (They are a more efficient medium for the storage and publication of large amounts of information; they are cheaper to run, more user–friendly and easily searchable; the disc is unaffected by power cuts; they do not require a telephone connection; and they are more durable than print or microform.) He argues that CD–ROM is a more appropriate technology for the African environment, with its poor communications facilities and economies.

Service: Document History (DD)

After receiving the abstracts, the user will select relevant publications, which can then be requested through the Document Delivery service. Through the network of Cooperating Libraries (CLs), the RDC can obtain photocopies of journal articles, extracts from monographs, or theses. Thanks to an extensive set of CL library holding catalogues (printed or electronic), the RDC can identify the quickest and fastest supplier. Whereas most requests during the first few years of the project were serviced by the extra–regional libraries (i.e., the libraries appearing in Annex 2 that do not belong to the WIO region), increasingly requests are now being serviced intra–regionally. This portion has increased from 6.2% in 1990 to 39.5% in 1995.

Product: Western Indian Ocean Library Holdings Database (WIOLIB)

An important yet largely unknown source of information is stored in the many institution libraries in the region. It was therefore decided to undertake a comprehensive cataloguing exercise. The database thus constructed is called WIOLIB. Each of the CIs builds its own local database and sends regular updates to the RDC in Mombasa. UNESCO’s Micro CDS/ISIS software was chosen as the database engine in view of its wide distribution and availability in developing countries, and because it is freeware (for non–profit users). For more information on the use of CDS/ISIS, we refer the reader to Rodriguez (1995); Kumar and Kar (1995); Chisenga (1995), for its use in developing countries; Sergiou and Kalyanova (1995), for its use in the production of CD–ROMs; and Kips (1995), as a general reference. The ASFISIS format was chosen for the database structure in order to enable easy transport of records to the ASFA database through the ASFA input centre at KMFRI.

Product: Western Indian Ocean Directory of Marine Scientists (WIODIR)

As early as 1989, the RECOSCIX–WIO project put great emphasis on disseminating information on locally available human capacity through the development and maintenance of the WIODIR. This directory contains comprehensive information on nearly 300 marine (as well as brackish and freshwater) scientists in the region, including address, degree, research subject keywords (using the ASFA subject codes), and details on research activities. The database is being updated annually. The 1992 edition was printed by UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program). As of 1997, WIODIR has been integrated into the IOC Global Directory of Marine Scientists (GLODIR), made available on the World Wide Web of the Internet at <>.


This project subscribes to about ten journals in marine sciences. They have been selected based on a statistical analysis of their use in the DD service and on their obsolescence rates. Every month their tables of contents are copied and sent to all the AIs and CIs. This service replaces one previously provided globally by the MSCT (Marine Science Contents Tables), and published by FAO. During 1997 this service will be extended considerably by the offering of the database SWETSCAN, an online directory of the tables of contents of about 13,500 journals available worldwide.

Product: Western Indian Ocean Waters Newsletter (WINDOW)

WINDOW has been considered, since 1989, as the current awareness flagship of the project. It is a newsletter made for and by scientists. Edited and composed locally (at the RDC), WINDOW has a print run of 1,500 copies and is being mailed to readers in over fifty countries. Printing and distribution were done locally between 1989 and 1994. In 1995, IOC of UNESCO offered to print and mass–mail in Paris. This enabled a substantial cutting of the project’s cost.

RECOSCIX–WIO 1996–99: Information and Data

The success of RECOSCIX–WIO as a regional information dissemination network and its effectiveness as a model for information networks in other regions have been widely accepted (IOC, 1992a). We can also state that RECOSCIX–WIO has contributed to creating closer links between scientists in the region, thereby paving the way for a free exchange of data and information among the countries. In this respect, we cite the report of the Third Session of the IOC Regional Committee on the Cooperative Investigation in the North and Central Western Indian Ocean (IOCINCWIO–III), held in Mauritius, December 1992, where the Member States stated:

The Regional Committee noted that regional capabilities to interpret and use the results from large–scale experiments like TOGA [Topical Ocean and Global Atmosphere] & WOCE [World Ocean Circulation Experiment] are very limited. There is a need to enhance this capability and train human resources to both use the data and interpret the results so as to provide advice ... to the governments. The TOGA data can be delivered to Member States through the RECOSCIX dispatch centre where relevant facilities exist, as demonstrated through the related ASFA activities.

And further,

The printed bathymetric chart and, if desired, the transparent chart original, will be delivered for further use to the countries of the region. In this way the countries of the region were introduced to the evaluation of bathymetric charts. Later on, the chart will be digitized and transferred to a digital databank. The provision of the data could perhaps be achieved through the RECOSCIX mechanism, as in the case proposed for TOGA data.

The region has thus given RECOSCIX–WIO a clearly expanded mandate to include both information and data in its terms of reference.

In this regard we need to mention the issue of metadata. “‘Metadata’ refers to data that are used to describe a database (e.g., describing the extent of the data, coverage, scale, what methods were used to collect the data, and by whom and when the data were collected). With valid and complete metadata, someone can learn enough about a database (without communicating with the ‘owner’ of the data) to determine if the data would be of use or interest) to him. Metadata make the boundaries between (numerical) data and information fade. In fact, they illustrate the need for data managers and information managers to collaborate closely, as they both provide crucial services to the scientist. The importance of managing these “parcels” of work is therefore obvious. This management is the task of data and information managers. The tool with which to refer to the parcels and find them is the metadatabase.

Based upon the recommendations by IOCINCWIO–III, the Limburg University Centre (LUC), in collaboration with the University of Antwerp, and with advice from the IOC, submitted a new project proposal entitled “RECOSCIX–WIO–II”. The new project (January 1996 – March 1999) proposed to continue the already established services and products, but added a new component: development of WWW and CD–ROM products containing information, metadata, and data. The project was submitted to, and approved by, VLIR and BADC with a budget of approximately US$250,000 over a period of three years. The project has hired E. Vanden Berghe as manager. (His salary is in addition to the US$250,000.) All budgets are allocated in LUC, which again acts as the controlling university.

We have already pointed out the value of CD–ROM as a medium for storage and dissemination of scientific literature. The envisaged CD–ROM will include the following data and information products:

A WWW server will be set up by the RDC in Mombasa. (The system will be physically located in Nairobi, on the server of the ISP.) The RECOSCIX–WIO WWW server will contain information on the RECOSCIX–WIO project, but will also offer to host pages prepared by the Cooperating Institutions. It will also provide several database services including WIOLIB, WIODIR, MSCP (Marine Science Country Profiles, “fact sheets” on the national marine science capabilities of IOCINCWIO Member States).

At KMFRI a National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) was established in 1995. RECOSCIX–WIO will closely collaborate with the NODC.

Another area of cooperation will be the Ocean Data and Information Network for Eastern Africa (ODINEA). This project can be considered as a data exchange equivalent of RECOSCIX–WIO. The project proposal was presented by KMFRI to the 15th Session of the IOC Committee for International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XV), Athens, Greece, January 1996, where it was endorsed. The Committee noted:

It has been observed that the participation of IOCINCWIO Member States in IODE programme activities is minimal: no NODCs or RNODCs have been established in this region; only one DNA is registered in Tanzania. At the Third Session of IOCINCWIO, held in Mauritius in December 1992, it was noted that regional capabilities to interpret and use the results from large–scale experiments like TOGA and WOCE are very limited. The Regional Committee identified a need to enhance this capability and train human resources to use both the data and interpret the results so as to provide advice... to the governments. RECOSCIX–WIO was identified as a centre through which such data could be delivered.

It is stated that, in order to ensure increased participation of IOCINCWIO Member States in the IODE programme, two major activities have to be undertaken: (i) strengthen national capabilities and assist in the development of NODCs; (ii) develop a regional data and information network for the IOCINCWIO region. It is noted that a regional information exchange network is already operational through the RECOSCIX–WIO ... project. The existing network can be adapted to include data exchange.

The project’s objectives are to, within the framework of IODE,


A classical question for the coordinator of a development project is, “What if the support stops?” In other words, what is the sustainability of the project beyond its current support? In the case of RECOSCIX–WIO this moment is defined as 31 March 1999.

As seen from the above, it is clear that RECOSCIX–WIO must be seen as a part of a comprehensive regional scientific undertaking involving many partners — national marine science institutions as well as donors. The tasks currently undertaken by RECOSCIX–WIO and limited to information management are gradually becoming part of a larger entity which will cover both information and data. This entity will be closely linked to the national and regional marine science programmes and activities. Continuing and expanding participation of WIO institutions in regional as well as international and global projects will maintain RECOSCIX–WIO’s programme. However, it must be emphasized that the activities at the RDC will require commitment by the WIO Member States as well as by the host country, Kenya.

This commitment was apparent during the IOCINCWIO–IV meeting held in Mombasa in May 1997. the regional importance of RECOSCIX–WIO, both for information and for data, was underlined there, and provisions for its continuation were put into the resolutions.


Abid, A., and Pelissier, D. “CD–ROM in Developing Countries: A UNESCO Perspective.” Alexandria 5 (1993): 175–83.

Bamba, Z. “L’utilisation du CD–ROM en Afrique: Resultats d’une enquete exploratoire.” Documentaliste 31 (1994): 305–9.

Chisenga, J. “Micro CDS/ISIS Software in Lesotho.” COMLA Newsletter 87 (1995): 5–10.

Compton A. W. “Opportunities for CD-ROM Information Services in Africa.” " Information Services & Use 12 (1992):283–90.

Ephraim P. E. “The Development of CD–ROM and Its Potential for African Researchers.” Journal of Information Science 17 (1991): 299–306.

IOC. “IOC Workshop on Donor Collaboration in the Development of Marine Scientific Research Capabilities in the Western Indian Ocean Region.” Brussels: UNESCO, 1992. IOC Workshop Report 83.

IOC. “IOC Regional Committee for the Co–operative Investigation in the North and Central Western Indian Ocean.” Third Session, Vacoas, Mauritius, 1992. UNESCO. IOC Reports of Governing and Major Subsidiary Bodies.

IOC. “Development of Marine Scientific Research Capabilities in the Western Indian Ocean Region, Mombasa, Kenya, 1993.” UNESCO. IOC/INF-944.

IOC. “SAREC–IOC Workshop on Donor Collaboration in the Development of Marine Scientific Research Capabilities in the Western Indian Ocean Region, Brussels, 1993.” UNESCO, IOC Workshop Report 95.

Kips, E. “Explore CDS/ISIS, a Training Vehicle.” FID News Bulletin 45 (1995): 275.

Kumar, S., and Kar, D. C. “Library Computerization: An Inexpensive Approach.” Library Review 44 (1995): 45–55.

Nkhata, B. W. M. “The Use of CD–ROM Technology in the Sharing of Bibliographic Information in Countries with Under–developed Telecommunications Networks.” Proceedings of the Conference on Library and Information Services for future Development of Southern Africa. Pretoria, 1992. Info Africa Nova CC, 555–64.

Ojo–Igbinoba, M. E. “The Potential of CD–ROM Technology in African Libraries.” African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science 3 (1993): 157–65.

RECOSCIX–WIO Annual Report (1992, 1993, 1994, 1995). Published by RECOSCIX–WIO. Available from LUC.

Richer, S. “Le disque compact dans la francophonie du sud.” L’Ecluse 6 (1994): 18–21.

Rodriguez. “CDS/ISIS: A Statistical Analysis of Usage in Latin America and the Caribbean.” International Information and Library Review 27 (1995): 225–35.

Sergiou, G., and Kalyanova, S. “Application of Micro–CDS/ISIS and HEURISKO for the Preparation of CD–ROMs.” Electronic Library 13 (1995):477–82.

Tanui, T. A. “CD–ROM: What Is Its Future in Africa?” Online and CD–ROM Review 19 (1995): 27.

White, W. “CD–ROM Databases in Africa: Some Ideas for Making Their Use Sustainable.” Proceedings of a Workshop held by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Geneva, Switzerland, 1991. The Netherlands: Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, 1992. Pages 107–9.

“WINDOW,” Newsletter of RECOSCIX–WIO, 1993. Since 1995, published and mailed by IOC, Paris.

Annex 1

List of Cooperating and Associated Institutions












Institutions marked ✶ are cooperating institutions.
Institutions marked ✔ are associated institutions.

Annex 2

List of Cooperating Libraries









The Netherlands

The Philippines

United Kingdom


About the authors

L. Egghe is Chief Librarian, Limburgs Universitair Centrum (LUC) and Professor, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen (UIA)

P. Pissierssens is Program Specialist, Marine Information Management, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC–UNESCO)