A Closer Look at IBBY's Call-to-Action for Refugee Children
A conversation with Wally De Doncker, Liz Page and Hasmig Chahinian of the International Board on Books for Young People
Interview and introduction by Scott Shoger
We’re checking in this issue with the International
Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) to learn more about its
“Call-to-action for Refugee Children,” issued during the 35th IBBY
World Congress, held in Auckland, New Zealand, in August 2016. Founded
in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1953, IBBY is a non-profit devoted to
“bringing books and children together” by “promot[ing] international
understanding through children’s books” and “protect[ing] and
uphold[ing] the Rights of the Child according to the UN Convention on
the Rights of the Child,” to quote the two facets of its mission most
closely aligned with the call-to-action.
The complete text of the call-to-action is copied below:
For sixty years the International Board
on Books for Young People has followed the ideal that books build
bridges between people. Books give us wings and can demolish the walls
that are built on fear and intolerance.
This work is as important and relevant
today as it was sixty years ago, particularly now when so many children
around the world are facing enormous upheavals in their young lives. We
are currently experiencing a global crisis and IBBY is unwavering in
its support for those working for peace and understanding. We believe
that every child has the right to read and we fully support the
principles of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.
IBBY is committed to helping children
in crisis, whether they are refugees in Europe, Africa, the Middle
East, Asia and Oceania, North America or Latin America. IBBY looks for
solutions. There are many IBBY projects, including the wordless Silent
Books, book packs and introducing the library networks, which all work
to alleviate the trauma that these young people are faced with. We also
need to show children from different communities around the world how
to welcome their new neighbours and how to live together in harmony. We
firmly believe that stories and libraries can inspire this necessary
Today, we urge all professionals
working in the field of children’s literature to join us take action
and find solutions to help the children and young people who are caught
up in this current turmoil.
World Libraries: What led to
publishing this call to action? And given that IBBY is already involved
with helping children in crisis, including refugees, why was there need
for a separate call to action?
Hasmig ChahinianHasmig Chahinian: During the
international IBBY Congress in Auckland, in August 2016, the national
sections of IBBY in Europe gathered for a regional meeting. They
addressed the question of refugee children and their access to books in
the context of the current refugee crisis, which is having global
impact. Many IBBY sections in various parts of the world have already
initiated projects and activities to address this crisis. Nevertheless,
it was felt to be important to release a call for action to emphasize
the fact that refugee children everywhere and their access to books is
a major concern for IBBY members. We also wanted to reinforce the fact
that reaching out to these children and providing them with books is an
essential part of IBBY's mission. The first European IBBY Regional
Conference will focus on this very important issue. This Regional
Conference will take place on April 6, 2017, at the Bologna
International Children's Book Fair, in Italy.
World Libraries: What are some of the
most successful programs with which IBBY is already involved that
address the needs of refugee children?
Wally De Doncker: Success is a
relative term. Our members plan carefully and start with the best
intentions, although sometimes political will is lacking as not
everyone welcomes refugees as they should.
One of our more successful projects was initiated by IBBY Italy – the
IBBY Silent Books collection. IBBY sections from around the world
donated books to IBBY Italy for this collection of best books that have
no text or words – Silent Books. The collection forms a traveling
exhibition, and copies of each book are also donated to Lampedusa, the
remote island in the Mediterranean that is the first port of call for
refugees arriving from across the sea on their way to starting a new
Liz Page: In August 2015 IBBY
and the National Association to Promote Library & Information
Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking (REFORMA) worked together
on a fact-finding visit to explore the situation of the unaccompanied
refugee children and the many single-parent families while they are
detained in facilities on the U.S./Mexican border after traveling from
their violent homelands in Central America to find shelter in the U.S.
As a result of this visit, the United States Board on Books for Young
People (USBBY), IBBY Mexico and their partners called on the U.S.
government and U.S. authorities responsible for the care of these
unaccompanied refugees to allow them access to appropriate books, to
have contact with Spanish-speaking librarians who are trained in using
books as therapeutic agents, and to ensure that their well-being is
monitored as they are processed through the system.
IBBY designed and created an enlarged “library card” to give to every
child and family as they leave the centers. The card has information in
Spanish and English about contacting the public libraries and what they
can find there. A toolkit with tips for activities and a list of
sources was drawn up as part of the project to help librarians when
serving the refugee community, in particular the unaccompanied children
who arrive in their neighborhood.
Wally De DonckerWally De Doncker: In early
2016 Canada welcomed 25,000 Syrian refugees. The Department of Canadian
Heritage put out a request to publishers last autumn asking for book
donations to be included in the welcome packages being assembled for
these newcomers. IBBY Canada, with support from the IBBY Foundation,
translated and printed new versions of the library cards that had been
designed for the refugees coming over the Mexican/US border. The
Canadian versions are in English/French and English/Arabic and will
encourage refugee children and their families to go to their public
library, where they will find so many of the resources they need for
their new lives. The cards were distributed in libraries across
Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton and Quebec City. This library card is
available for all IBBY sections to translate and use.
IBBY Flanders (Belgium) established the project O Mundo: a little world
library, which presents picture books from all over the world to the
children in Flanders’ multicultural classrooms. IBBY Netherlands has
plans to introduce O Mundo in their schools.
IBBY Lebanon has brought relief to Syrian children caught up in the war
and now living as refugees in Lebanon. The therapeutic program used is
an anger management program that was developed for Lebanese children
after the Lebanese civil war and the war with Israel. The program uses
books, theatre and other methods to help children understand their own
feelings, express them, as well as recognize the feelings of others.
The success of this project is marked by the improved behavior of the
World Libraries: The call to action
makes an interesting point: Not only do we need to help refugee
children directly, but we also need to “show children from different
communities around the world how to welcome their new neighbors and how
to live together in harmony.” How can we go about doing that?
Wally De Doncker: We know that
currently there is a lot of resistance towards refugees. If you want to
welcome the refugee children in a friendly way you have to start with
the children of the communities. People can only live in harmony when
both sides understand that refugees arrive because they are victims of
a terrible situation in their home country and have little choice.
Refugee children and the children in the community can learn empathy
through books and activities related to books. Sometimes a new library
that is established for the refugee children will also benefit the
whole community and can be an excellent opportunity to get to know one
another in a neutral environment.
IBBY has long advocated that all children have the right to have access
to great literature and it works to protect the rights of all children
whenever it is needed. IBBY believes that every child everywhere in the
world must have access to books and the opportunity to become a reader
in the fullest sense. IBBY sees this as a fundamental right and the
doorway to empowerment for every child. It is our duty to always treat
children and young people with the respect they deserve.
World Libraries: How much can an
organization like IBBY do –and how much can storytelling or literature
do – in an active war zone, where physiological or safety needs aren’t
consistently being met?
Wally De Doncker: The IBBY
experiences at the grassroots level have taught us a lot. The IBBY
Children in Crisis Fund provides support for children whose lives have
been disrupted through war, civil disorder or natural disaster. The two
main activities that are supported by the fund are the therapeutic use
of books and storytelling in the form of bibliotherapy, and the
creation or replacement of collections of selected books that are
appropriate to the situation.
Liz Page
Liz Page: Bibliotherapy was
first used in 1948 by psychologists to treat certain kinds of patients.
A less clinical use of bibliotherapy was pioneered by IBBY Venezuela
following the catastrophic mudslides outside Caracas in 1999. They
found that by using books and stories the possibility to “heal” the
effects of a tragedy through reading was demonstrated. In addition they
found that stories could trigger a mechanism for finding coping
strategies to face the realities of the situation.
The project was called Read to Live and members of Banco del Libro, the
seat of IBBY Venezuela, began taking books to the children made
homeless, many suffering from deep trauma. Every day, volunteers read
stories to the children and sometimes their families. This had the
effect of transporting the children away from the devastation around
them. It would begin for five minutes a day and build up to longer
periods. Gradually the children came out of their shock. Listening was
also important as many who have these traumatic experiences need to
talk about them. Reading specially selected books can open the way to
talking about feelings and emotions.
Wally De Doncker: Using the
same principles, the Children in Crisis program will not only provide
immediate support and help, but will also make a long term impact in
the communities, thus supporting IBBY’s belief that every child has the
right to become a reader.
A few examples of the projects that have been supported by the IBBY Children in Crisis Fund are:
In 2010 Pakistan was hit by the worst floods in its 63-year history.
Twenty million people were affected and, of those, nine million were
children. Eleven thousand schools were swept away or rendered unusable.
IBBY Pakistan – the Alif Laila Book Bus Society - with several
NGOs/Government agencies worked in all five provinces of the country to
distribute library kits for children affected.
Since 2008 IBBY has been supporting two children’s libraries in Gaza
that are run and operated by IBBY Palestine. Following their
destruction in 2014, IBBY launched an appeal for funds to rebuild these
two libraries that had become such important parts of the children’s
After a devastating earthquake shook and destroyed the lives of
thousands in Haiti in 2010, IBBY International immediately launched an
appeal to collect funds for a bibliotherapy project. IBBY Haiti
identified the camps in which they could work and began working with
the children. There were no books, but a printing press that had not
been damaged was found and was used to reprint some books, which were
then used by the volunteers.
World Libraries: How have
professionals working in children’s literature responded thus far to
this call for action? Did you have any expectations for the attention
the call to action would generate – and if so how has the response
compared to those expectations?
Wally De Doncker: There are
many plans, but it will take time to develop. Two months is not enough.
Nevertheless this week IBBY Netherlands and the Dutch children’s books
writers and illustrators have started a solidarity action for the
refugee children. They’ll work with books in Arabic. Members of IBBY
Australia and IBBY New Zealand will start new projects in their
countries in reply to the call. The European Conference about refugee
children is a very important initiative.
New projects of the initiators have already started in the same spirit of the Call to Action.
In collaboration with the Municipality of Kallithea and the Network for
Children’s Rights, the Greek Section of IBBY participated in the events
celebrating the 2016 European Cultural Heritage Days for the second
consecutive year. As part of the celebration, IBBY Greece organized an
event with a theme, “YES to Tolerance – NO to Violence: Literary
Narratives for Refugees,” based on literary excerpts narrated by
authors who are members of IBBY Greece.
IBBY Sweden inaugurated its own Silent Books collection and has
published a manual to be used by librarians, teachers and all who work
with refugee children. The manual has been translated into English and
IBBY Sweden has generously offered to share it with other IBBY Sections
interested in using it in their own context. The manual can be
downloaded from the IBBY website.
Officials from the UAE Board on Books for Young People (UAEBBY)
recently visited the Red Crescent’s Emirati-Jordanian refugee camp in
Mrajeeb Al Fhood in Jordan. As part of the “Kan Yama Kan” (Once upon a
Time) initiative, the IBBY members conducted reading sessions and
literature-themed educational and entertainment activities for the
children living there. The delegation also donated the “Big Heart
Library” with a diverse collection of 500 new children’s books.
The Silent Books Exhibition has been traveling around Europe all year
and is now being exhibited in Montolieu Village du Livre, Aude, France.
The exhibition has been organized in association with IBBY UK and IBBY
France where it will be on view as part of the annual European
Children’s Literature Festival in the village. The festival includes
many events with talks from various artists, and representatives from
IBBY France and UK will talk about the collection and the project.
There was also a presentation of wordless books created by the children
of Montolieu for the children living on Lampedusa.
World Libraries: How might someone
unfamiliar with IBBY – or service to children in crisis – get involved?
And for someone who’s already involved and wants to try out a new
solution or program, how can IBBY and its membership help?
Wally De Doncker: The first
step is to become a member of IBBY; many IBBY sections need volunteers
to run their programs. Ideally all professional groups should be
involved: researchers, reading promoters, authors, illustrators,
teachers, booksellers and publishers, etc. Working together can achieve
a lot and working with refugees will become an increasingly important
task for community libraries in the future.
Liz Page: IBBY members have
the same mission and, as such, the IBBY Sections are ideally placed to
organize projects and events designed to ease the solution of children
arriving in new environments. The international IBBY network allows for
exchanges of experiences and expertise that can be harnessed to work
with all children and under all circumstances.
About the Interviewees
Wally De Doncker, a native of Belgium, is serving his second term as
IBBY president. He trained as a teacher and served as a special teacher
of children’s literature. He began writing full-time in 2001 and since
then, his books have reached readers in more than thirteen countries in
Europe and beyond. He is a frequent contributor to publications that
deal with the international dimension of children’s literature, and is
a regular guest in libraries, schools and other settings where children
and adults come to enjoy his readings.
Liz Page, executive director of IBBY, grew up and lived in England
until 1985 when she and her family moved to Basel. She soon became
involved with JuKiBu, the Intercultural Children’s Library in Basel, of
which she was a founding member. Later she was elected President of the
Intercultural Children’s Libraries Association of Switzerland.
Hasmig Chahinian, from France, was born and grew up in Lebanon. She is
currently in charge of children’s literature from the Arab world at the
international division of the French National Centre for Children’s
Literature – Centre national de la literature pour la jeunesse: La Joie
par les livres – a service of the French National Library. She served
as a member of the IBBY Executive Committee for two terms from 2010 to
2014 – from 2012 as vice president.