Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, 1904-1966, First President of Nigeria: A Force in Library Development in Nigeria


  • C.C. Aguolu
  • L.E. Aguolu


This is the first attempt to coherently document the immense contributions of one of Africa’s foremost nationalists and pan–Africanists to the development of libraries in Nigeria. Although he is best known for his achievements in politics, journalism, and sports, Dr. Azikiwe saw the library as a vehicle for the intellectual emancipation of Nigerians from colonial rule.

As President of Eastern Nigeria in the 1950s, the first and only indigenous Governor–General, and first President of Nigeria in the 1960s, he was able to wield sufficient political influence to ensure a legal basis for public library development in Nigeria, the establishment of the University of Nigeria Library – named after himself – and the eventual creation of the National Library of Nigeria.

Author Biographies

C.C. Aguolu

C.C. Aguolu is Profesor of Library Science and Chairman, University of Maiduguri Press, Maiduguri, Nigeria.

L.E. Aguolu

L.E. Augolu is Pricncipal Librarian, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria.



