The Perception Of Technological Gap and Technological Lag


  • Michael E. D. Koenig Rosary College


Explains the apparent paradox that the difference in development between two countries, according to a given indiator, may be both increasing and decreasing at the same time. The reason is that “gap" and "lag" are not synonymous, but carry distinct meanings in this context.

Author Biography

Michael E. D. Koenig, Rosary College

Michael E. D. Koenig is Dean and Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Rosary College. He has degrees from Yale University, University of Chicago, and Drexel University. Dr. Koenig was Manager of Information Services, Pfizer, Inc; Director of Library Operations, Director of Development, Institute for Scientific Information; Vice President Operations, Swets North America; and Vice President Data Management, Tradenet, Inc. He has taught in the School of Library Service and in the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University. His professional interests include bibliometrics, the effect of information services upon productivity, and the information industry. His publications include about 40 articles and numerous book reviews. He has been a speaker or consultant in Latin America, China, Japan, and several European countries.



