Israeli Libraries and Librarianship: A Review of Recent Literature


  • Susan Korn Truman College


This paper reviews the library situation in Israel, and summarizes 18 writings on Israeli libraries published between 1978 and 1995. Among the concerns expressed by authors are the lack of a clear national role for the Jewish National Library; the slowness of libraries to adopt MARC standards; a weak national policy (permissive rather than mandatory) on local public libraries; slow development of school libraries; and, the limited professional education of most librarians. A satisfying aspect of the situation is the continuing rise in literacy and in public library registration.

Author Biography

Susan Korn, Truman College

Susan Korn is Technical Services Librarian at Truman College, Chicago. She has an M.L.S. from the University of Michigan, and an M.Ed, in Rehabilitation Counseling from Boston University. She was formerly a cataloger at DePaul University, Chicago. Her professional interests include cataloging and authority control.




Literature Review