Theft and Mutilation the Bane of Library Resources Development: Ramat Library Security Experience
Highlights the implication of library security for the conservation of knowledge role of the academic library. The documentary and personal experience of the writer were brought to illuminate the topic. The category of the perpetrators, the motives for and the various methods employed by perpetrators of book theft and mutilation was discussed, focusing on the experience of Ramat Library from 1985 to date. The colossal loss was detailed. The writer concludes that prevention of crime is better than catching a culprit and so recommends that mechanical and electronic prevention measures be put in place to minimize book theft and mutilation in academic libraries.Such measures include: provision of adequate copies of required books, submission of reading lists to the library to determine what would be put on short term loan system (reserved books) subsidized and efficient photocopying service, installation of electronic book detection device and video camera system, inventories, “conscience” exhibition of mutilated materials among others.
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