Advocacy and Action: How Libraries Across the Globe are Addressing Climate Change
Climate change is arguably the most devestating and large-scale crisis in modern history. Libraries are essential stakeholders in global efforts to combat climate change and advance sustainable development principles. As community hubs and information centers, libraries disseminate objective knowledge about climate change, spearhead sustainability projects, embody social responsibility by incorporating sustainable practices into library operations, and coordinate with advocacy groups. Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals are utilizing technology, instructional services and outreach campaigns to counteract increasingly devastating climate change impacts. Libraries are educating school children about recycling and climate change, assisting African livestock keepers to develop more sustainable agricultural practices and collaborating with municipal governments to implement climate action plans. Librarians in the Philippines and India are overcoming significant funding and resource challenges to bolster climate change awareness and educate communities about green concepts like renewable energy. Libraries in Europe, Asia, South America and Australia are reshaping modern library operations by implementing innovative green design features, smart technologies, energy efficient building materials and repurposing historic structures. The knowledge, resources and services libraries provide are essential and will prove invaluable as communities seek information regarding the complex socioeconomic consequences of the ongoing climate change crisis.

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