Academic Libraries Preparedness for Reopening as the COVID-19 Pandemic Curve Flattens
This study adopted the descriptive research design of the case study type to investigate academic libraries preparedness for reopening amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria from the 27 academic librarians working in the 5(five) academic libraries in Ede metropolis Osun state, Nigeria. The total population sampling, which resonates with case studies research, was used to elicit the responses. Out of the 27 copies of questionnaires distributed, 20 were retrieved and found usable for analysis, giving a 75 percent response rate. Data collected was analyzed using simple percentages and item analysis on SPSS statistical package Findings showed that there is still palpable anxiety among academic librarians in Nigeria about their safety and that of their library environment. The study concludes by admonishing Nigerian academic librarians to come to terms with the new normal and move their services online, minimizing human contact with the physical library. Strict implementation of NCDC/WHO COVID-19 protocol in academic libraries was recommended.

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