Contemporary Management Methods and the Structure of Work Organization in Academic Libraries


  • Danuta Szewczyk–Kłos


After introduction of new telecommunications technologies, implementation of integrated computer systems, such as software for managing resources and distribution of information, and creation of digital libraries it became obvious that it is necessary to introduce changes in the organization of work in libraries.

The library — a non–profit organization — needs one efficient management system which has to be complex but also flexible enough to cooperate with the systems for managing human resources, finances, information and knowledge. The development of academic libraries is determined by implementing changes in the organization of work in the individual departmental libraries at university-level institutions. With new management theories, the traditional, hierarchical management models have lost their efficiency.

This paper discusses new methods of organizing and managing libraries. They rely on team work, job rotation of the staff, low levels of formality, centralization, as well as on cooperation among teams. These methods aim at making access to knowledge and information at libraries more efficient.

Author Biography

Danuta Szewczyk–Kłos

Deputy Director at the Main Library of the University of Opole, Poland



